4 Tactics for Quickly Growing Your Online Startup

Online Startup
When you first started your online venture, you might have had goals of generating a healthy profit and securing many loyal customers. Now that time might have passed, your dreams might have come to fruition, and you might be eager to take your online startup business to the next level.

To ensure your future success, read these four tactics for quickly growing your online startup.

Hire the Best Talent

It is likely you are struggling with many tasks to complete and customer phone calls and emails to answer each day. If so, it might be time to start recruiting your company’s first employees, which will help your business to meet growing demand.

However, it is important to bear in mind that the staff you choose can shape the customer experience, company culture, and your annual revenue. Find top talent for your online business, by considering their experience, and their attitude, personality, and passion for an industry.

Once you have your team in place, consider outsourcing to London HR consulting services to put in place an HR system that will help your organization thrive and grow your business, no matter where your business is in the world.

Build a Professional Brand

While your initial goal might have been to launch a website and promote your products and services to your customers, you must now focus on turning your home venture into a powerful brand.

It is vital to develop an image that helps customers to feel emotionally connected to your brand, which can encourage them to buy from your business time and again.

Build a strong brand identity by:

  • Developing synonymous visuals
  • Determining your target market
  • Forming a tone of voice
  • Creating a brand message
  • Outlining your key features and USP

Don’t forget to analyze your online and offline competitors to review their weaknesses and strengths, which could help you to discover a large gap in the market you could fill. It could help you to strengthen your online startup venture’s position in the market.

Form Strategic Partnerships

Attract a brand-new audience and boost your awareness by collaborating with various companies. Aim to find complementary organizations and develop a pitch for a potential strategic partnership. Remember, the collaboration needs to be mutually-beneficial, so identify how your organization could help them to grow, too.

Focus on Customer Retention

While you will want to add as many new customers onto your database as possible, you shouldn’t overlook your existing clientele. After all, it reportedly costs five times more to acquire a new customer over retaining an existing patron. So, focus on the different ways you can secure their loyalty, such as:

  • Offering discounts for their second or third order
  • Sending exclusive offers to their email inbox
  • Providing promotional codes to social media subscribers

Look for various ways to re-engage your past customers, who could be integral to your online company’s survival and financial growth.


To successfully grow your startup company, you need to focus on attracting the right talent into your business. What’s more, you must aim to cultivate relationships with existing clientele and other businesses while improving your brand’s professionalism.

Looking for more resources on the topic?  Consider the complete entrepreneurial startup guide 2020 to help your startup get to the next level.

About April Heavens- Woodcock

Author: April Heavens–Woodcock , is the Chief Buzz Officer Touching Clients a Digital Marketing Firm that specializes in strategic online marketing development for businesses. She is passionate about helping businesses grow their bottom line with effective tools. She speaks regularly on social media, email marketing, and marketing around the East Coast.