All posts by Juan Felix

About Juan Felix

About Juan Felix Juan Felix is the owner of Felix Relationship Marketing. His company offers state of the art community management services for public figures and successful social brands. Juan works as Mari Smith's Chief Facebook Moderator and is part of Social Media Examiner's Community Management Team. Juan also works as the senior editor and contributing author of Nieuwe Media Gids. An online magazine to support Dutch entrepreneurs and marketers with social media marketing.

5 Easy Steps to Your Successful Facebook Marketing Strategy


As business owners we all know that strategy -the game plan- is key to long term success! When it comes to Facebook marketing, there are 5 parts of the game plan that work together as a solid strategy. Read on to learn more about the 5 steps to your Facebook success!

#1 Start with a clear Mission

Your business success should start with your clear mission. Your mission explains to everyone -prospects, customers and employees- what your company is all about. It’s the answer to this key question: “why does your company exist?”

A lot of well known brands owe their success to a clear mission. When Steve Jobs started his company he was not motivated by selling computers, but by supporting people with their creativity.

And is not in the business of selling flowers. When Jim McCann founded his retail florist shop in 1976- he was motivated by

“helping people express themselves with the important people in their lives”.

So, before you even think about Facebook marketing, you should know in what type of business you are in. How are you solving people’s problems or fulfilling their desires?

#2 Take Your Facebook vitamin C’s

vitamin-CMari Smith -a social media leader and someone I admire as a top professional- has talked about the 6 C’s in one of her Facebook Success Summit presentations. I like to refer to these as your 6 Facebook vitamin C’s, and advice you to take them daily:

  • Clarity: make it crystal clear what you are offering on your fan page. Use a tagline on your cover photo and add clear calls to action on your About section and in your page updates.
  • Content: share stories that get a lot of likes, shares and comments.
  • Connection: think relationship first! Listen well and keep listening.
  • Campaign: use Facebook promotion tools to support your campaigns.
  • Conversion: work on converting your fans into paying customers.
  • Culture: make your fan page the extension of your brand or company’s culture. This involves more than just using the same brand (look and feel) on your fan page. This concerns your community management: who you hire, your response time, how you respond, the type of content you share, formal or informal, humor, etc…

#3 Use shareable content

Here are some basic rules for shareable content:

  • keep it short (80 characters get more shares),
  • vary your content (audio, photos, video, links),
  • respond to people that share your content with a like,
  • ask questions,
  • make it fun,
  • learn what people like by visiting other fan pages related to your niche,
  • know the best time of day and day of the week to engage with your fans.

For more tips on shareable content for your Facebook page, read this article by Mari Smith: “7  Ways to craft your Facebook posts for maximum shares“.

If you wonder how to manage your content, check out Search Engine Journal’s article Shareable content.

#4 Experiment, test and track your results

planning-150x150When it comes to your successful Facebook marketing strategy, one size does not fit all. By experimenting, testing and tracking your results, you learn what works and what not. Think about experimenting with the frequency of your posts, time zones, types of content (photo, video, links, updates) and variations in your calls to action.

#5 Learn from other successful fan pages

A lot of big consumer brands -like Coca Cola, Disney, Starbucks, Oreo, Skittles- are doing extremely well on Facebook. In fact they are in the top 50 of branded Facebook pages.

Monitor these fan pages and visit a lot of other pages and see what type of content gets a lot of shares. Study their branding, apps, cover photos, taglines, calls to action, text in the about section, page updates and Facebook promotions. Go to Facebook pages to search for other brand pages.


Your goal should not be to be good at Facebook, but to be good at business because of Facebook. It all starts with working on a well thought out Facebook marketing strategy. Follow these 5 steps, experiment, test and track your results. And remember, social platforms like Facebook offer a lot of new opportunities for everybody, but it takes time to get results. So, be patient and work with people who understand this and know what they are doing!

What are your best tips to grow your business on Facebook? Please, share your tips or thoughts in the comment box below.

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