How a Startup Can Hit the Ground Running

How a Startup Can Hit the Ground Running

Launching a new startup is a daunting experience as you will want to hit the ground running and find early success. It can be difficult to keep a new business afloat in the early days. Especially if you do not start bringing much money in. Additionally, it can be hard to build a positive reputation if you don’t hit the ground running. This means that there is a lot of pressure to find some success early on. Although it is possible to succeed without, it could be vital to your long-term success. Here are a few tips to help you hit the ground running.

Identify a Gap in the Market

One of the best ways to get noticed early on and to start competing is to find and exploit a gap in the market. This can be challenging, especially in competitive industries. But if you thoroughly research the market, your competitors and your target customer then you can find a way to penetrate the market and add value to your target customer.

Use Deals & Promotions

It is tough as a new business to encourage people to take a chance on your company because you don’t yet have a reputation. A highly effective way to get people to take a chance with your business and to lure customers away from more established brands is with a deal or promotion. People will always be looking for ways to save money and take advantage of a good deal so you should use these early on. Then you can try to retain these customers with your product and service quality. Not to mention the smooth customer journey.

Generate Excitement on Social Media

There is no point waiting until you launch to start promoting your business. Social media is a great tool for generating excitement and increasing brand awareness. This means that people will be waiting for your business to open on day one. You can create excitement on social media by promoting your products/services, and showing followers what to expect. Additionally create high-quality content geared towards your target customer and engage with your followers online.


Following this, it is a good idea to start digital marketing early. However you will find that it takes a long time to rise through the search engine results lists with SEO. This is why PPC is such a good option for startups. It immediately makes you highly visible online and allows you to compete with the industry-leading businesses. For the best results, you want to use a PPC management agency so that you can convert more from your paid advertising.

Get Involved with the Local Community

In addition to raising awareness about your business online, you can also get involved with the local community. This can raise your profile while also humanizing the brand and showing that you care. There are many ways to do this, such as attending community events, hosting a launch party, engaging with local businesses and sponsorship.

Customer Reviews & Encourage Word-of-Mouth Marketing

People will always rely on customer reviews and recommendations from their network, especially when it comes to a new business. This is why it is so important to obtain as many reviews as possible early on. Then to place these in visible places online, as well as encourage word-of-mouth marketing. Remember, you can ask people to do this and incentivize them with referral programs.

These strategies will help your startup to hit the ground running and find some early success. The early days are critical and if you can start attracting customers from day one then you will be in a good position to achieve your goals.

About April Heavens- Woodcock

Author: April Heavens–Woodcock , is the Chief Buzz Officer Touching Clients a Digital Marketing Firm that specializes in strategic online marketing development for businesses. She is passionate about helping businesses grow their bottom line with effective tools. She speaks regularly on social media, email marketing, and marketing around the East Coast.