Tag Archives: create better content

7 Benefits of Content Curation for Social Media [Infographic]

Content Curation for Social Media - infographic

Content Curation for Social Media - infographic

Content creation is currently one of the most expensive processes in digital marketing. It’s an even bigger problem if you don’t have a dedicated content marketing team (in-house or outsourced). Brainstorming new content ideas and thereafter writing the content is a draining process. That’s where content curation comes in handy.

What’s Content Curation?

Content curation is the process of gathering information relevant to a specific topic or area of interest, adding value through selection and organization, and sharing it with your audience.

Social Media Content Curation Benefits

The main benefit of content curation is that it saves you from creating fresh content from scratch. However, that’s just the beginning. QUUU looks at seven other curation benefits for social media that will excite you.

  • Keeps your content calendar full. Content curation means you always have something to post/share even on days you haven’t created fresh content. For instance, you can share content from your community forums and reshare podcasts from your groups.
  • Become a thought leader by adding unique points of view. Thought leaders are popular in their niches because of their unique points of view. For instance, as an industry expert, you can add data to a curated social media post to make it more factual.

Check out the QUUU post to find out five other ways content curation can benefit your social media marketing campaign.

Infographic - Benefits-of-Content-Curation-for-Social-Media.

How Brands Can Create Content That Resonates With Gen Z



Many marketers are struggling to connect with Generation Z. According to a recent article on Market Week, “communicating with these teenagers is a minefield, leaving in its wake a cemetery” of misplaced content, ill-judged products, and, overall, rejected marketing. Here’s how brands can create content that resonates with Gen Z.

It all makes sense because the Generation Z cohort is different. For one, they’re already so familiar with tech that nothing “awes” them. So, you need to get to the point right away or risk rejection. Moreover, their early exposure to the internet means they often know more than you do, making marketing even harder.

Fortunately, Tequia Burt, Editor in Chief, LinkedIn Marketing Solutions Blog, has a few ideas on creating content that connects with your Gen Z targets.

For example;

Be authentic

The first step is to focus on authentic marketing, as regurgitated content is a big turnoff among this demographic. They’ve likely seen or heard about if someone has already published it. So, you need to give them something different, or you’ve just lost their attention.

Show ambition

Generation Zs favor growth. They have a  “can’t miss” attitude that drives them towards big goals. As such, they tend to lean more towards ambitious brands that challenge previously held standards and norms.

Check out Burt’s LinkedIn post to learn other clever ways to create content that resonates with Gen Z.


Create Content that is Better than your Competitors

How to Increase Website Traffic-315-1

Create Content that is Better than your CompetitorsBetter content attracts more traffic. But what constitutes better? Read on to find out:

Long-form articles

Make your articles substantial and informative. High-ranking resources have around 2,400 words on average. To break up the content into smaller chunks, add an image every 100 words or so. Professional photos work best.

Readable fonts

Most people consume content on the small screens of their mobile devices, so small and fancy fonts won’t be easy to read. Choose at least a size 15 font. Pages ranking No. 1 use 15.8x font size on average.

Various content types

Go beyond articles when producing content by repurposing them into infographics, animations, videos, and other forms. Whenever possible, make content interactive instead of static to enjoy twice as many conversions.

Content is king, but the presentation is queen. For readers, how you deliver content matters as much as what’s in it.

Our thanks go out to SiegeMedia.com for this great infographic on How to Create Content 10x Better than your Competitors.

Create Content that is Better than your Competitors


