Tag Archives: engagement

Instagram Stats

instagram stats

instagram stats
Instagram is swiftly becoming a hugely influential social network for businesses. Here’s a quick look at why:

  • It has 300 million users, with 75 million users checking in daily. That accounts for 20% of Internet users!
  • 51% of users are male and 49% female.
  • The largest user base age range is between 16 and 24, with 41% of users. 35% of users are between 25 and 34, 17% between 35 and 44, 6% between 45 and 54, and 2% between 55 and 64.
  • About 70 million photos are posted on Instagram every day.
  • The average user will spend 21 minutes a day logged on.
  • Every second, 8500 “likes” are made, while 1000 comments are posted.
  • Out of the top 100 brands in the world, 85 have an Instagram account
  • Instagram’s account has the most followers: 96 million
  • The Ellen Show is the brand with most followers: 4.39 million

Thanks InforgraphicPosters for this great infographic!
instagram stats

The Perfect Backlink

the perfect backlink

the perfect backlink

Here’s a very important infographic, 11 Essential Ingredients of a Perfect Backlink. Backlinks are one of the most important parts of search engine ranking.

Search engines look at incoming links from other websites to yours when determining search engine page rank. Thus, it’s important that your site gets high-quality backlinks based on these standards:

  • High authority — When sites with .edu and .gov domains link back to your site, search engines see this as a testament to your site’s own authority level.
  • Relevance to your site — Incoming links should be related to your site’s content to make them count.
  • Social media activity — People linking back to your social media content increases the importance of your site to search engines.
  • Targeted pages — For better ranking, links should be connected to specific pages in your site, and not just the homepage.
  • Fresh links — Older links don’t have much weight as newer ones, so don’t stop looking for opportunities for backlinks.
  • Lastly, don’t forget this: The more interesting your content is, the higher the chance it gets linked back to.

Learn more about how to post high-quality backlinks by checking out the inforgraphic below…
the perfect backlink

Step By Step Guide to Posting Your Promotion to Facebook News Feed

Images and Videos inspire the most engagement on Facebook.

We live in a visually oriented world, and images capture attention and inspire engagement actions including “Like”, “Share”, and “Comment” more than other text-only methods.

Facebook, in its own research, found that the most successful posts for capturing the attention of users and inspiring action are visual. Photo albums generated 180 percent more engagement than other types of posts, and individual photos 120 percent more. Since 40 percent of a Facebook user’s time is spent in the News feed, capturing attention to inspire a “Like,” comment or share by using images is critical.

An important part of posting correctly also includes using a mobile friendly Smart URL. See how to get one here: Mobile Smart URL Guide for Facebook Pages

Here’s a Visual Guide Infographic on How To Post for Maximum Engagement.



Select and Run Facebook Contest for your Page INFOGRAPHIC

Facebook Engagement — Achieve it and your page can soar to new heights. Without it, your merely shouting into the wind.

Companies that achieve engagement have pages with an active, positive, and involved community.  This type of social community responds to Facebook posts, is committed to the brand, and helps to further extend the reach of the Page through their sharing and comments.  Increased engagement can bring about positive returns in a number of areas for marketers including:

  • Increased size of audience
  • More brand awareness
  • Greater customer loyalty
  • Increased e-mail list opt-ins and subscribers
  • And more actions taken on ordering products and services

With research data by noting that 79% of Facebook fans are more likely to purchase from a brand they have liked, pursuing more fans and deeper engagement with existing fans is a huge priority!

The million dollar question remains, “how can a company boost engagement for their Facebook Page?”  While there are a number of core methods for increasing engagement such as creating highly shareable content, posting images and videos, and posting at key times, another powerful method is to run promotions. 

Promotions have the ability to draw visitors to a Facebook page and when used correctly, can be a very valuable tool to accomplish engagement objectives.  

Here’s a FACEBOOK PROMOTIONS INFOGRAPHIC with insights on types of Facebook contest promotions options, keys for which type to select and tips for maximizing the use of each type of promotion.


The four key types of Facebook Contest Apps to use for promotions include:

  • Facebook Sweepstakes App
  • Facebook Contest Apps (Photo Contest, Video Contest, Essay / tagline Contest)
  • Facebook Deal Apps (Coupons, Like Gate, Friend Share, etc.)
  • Facebook Mult-Social Network integrated apps such as Instagram Contests, Pinterest Deal Apps, and Twitter Contests that all work on a Facebook Page.

Tabsite makes all contest mobile accessible.  See example: Mobile

TabSite offers a full suite of Engagement Apps for use on Facebook Pages.  Easily setup and run Facebook promotions.  View options on Facebook Contest Apps here:




Latest TabSite Tools September 2012

Here are quick access links to the newest tools that TabSite has released.  

TabSite continues to evolve and expand the suite of tools we offer Facebook Page Admins.  These Engagement App tools all integrate social sharing tools and have features to help boost traffic and engagement to your Facebook Page.

September 2012:

  • Coupon App – Run coupon promotions on tabs. 
  • Group Deal App – Create a Group-on style Deal that has minimum registrations for the deal to be on!
  • Share Deal App – Boost sharing by requiring fans to share the deal to get access
  • Pin Deal – Cross-promote on Pinterest! This deal requires fans to post a image to Pinterest to get the deal.
  • Instagram App – Engage mobile fans by having them post to your hashtag and pull them into Facebook.
  • Social Review  – Get Reviews, Testimonials, and Engagement with a tab for reviews of one or multiple items.

 For more on Engagement Apps, visit www.TabSite.com/engagementapps.