Tag Archives: facebook comments

Facebook Adds Comment with Photo Feature

Facebook has started to roll out photo comments, a new feature that allows you to comment on posts by adding a image rather than words.

Facebook says the feature was originally developed by an employee during one of the famous Facebook hackathons. Photo comments are starting to roll out globally on the web as well as the Facebook mobile site. Currently users can’t yet leave photo comments within Facebook’s mobile apps (like iPhone and Android Apps), but they are viewable.

The feature is expected to come to mobile apps in a future update.

Below is an example of a post with comments using and testing the new image feature that involved exchanges from myself and PostPlanner staff Scott Ayres.

Scott starts things out by tagging a few of us and asking a question…


As people catch on to the new feature, images start rolling to “add value” to the post thread!


Currently, this feature is not available for Facebook Pages, only when commenting on profile posts.  What do you think, does this add value or not?