Tag Archives: Facebook Timeline Contests

Facebook Timeline Contest App for the News Feed

Facebook made a major update this week, allowing Facebook Pages to run simple contests in the News Feed that enable fans to “Like” or “Comment” to enter.  Read full story here –>

One of the challenges for Pages is then how to manage the entries quickly and easily, select random winners, and deploy these posts with the Facebook disclaimer requirements.

TabSite aims to make this easy for marketers with a Timeline Contest App!  Like or Comment on the post below to be alerted as this tool is released for marketers!

Yes, we’ll offer a tool to help marketers with this new opportunity.  Does this mean contests on tabs will be used less?  No, we don’t think that’s the case.

TImeline contests are very basic, and come with less features and safety mechanisms.  Spam, people editing comments,  lack of Admins being able to pre-approve of comments etc. can all be issues with the new, looser rules and Timeline contests.  Tab Contests continue to offer a more complete range of tools for businesses to brand contests and capture leads such as email addresses on tabs.  Each contest type can have its place, it all depends on needs, goals, and overall marketing strategy objectives.


View TabSite Timeline Contest Free App!