Tag Archives: help with social media

[Infograpic] What you Need to Know About Social Media Image Sizes



Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have dominated the social media scene in the past decade. It’s clear that over the years the social media landscape has been very dynamic. This makes it a challenge to keep up, and the best move will be to start with appropriate social media image sizes.

The audiences are first attracted by the visual identity of the brand, and sometimes it’s the only thing that they remember. Ensuring that the images are high-quality, properly sized and sharp is important if someone is aiming to leave an outstanding first impression. Below are perfect image sizes to use on different social media platforms.


  • Profile photo should be 180 × 180 pixels
  • Cover photo should be 851 × 315 pixels
  • Link image size should be 1200 × 628 pixels
  • Story ad size should be 1080 × 1920 pixels
  • Video size should be 1280 × 720 pixels
  • Maximum video length should be 240 minutes


  • Profile photo should be 180 × 180 pixels
  • Stories size should be 1080 × 1920
  • Maximum video length should be 60 seconds
  • Minimum image ad size should be 500 pixels wide


  • Profile photo should be 150 × 150 pixels
  • Header size should be 1500 × 500 pixels
  • Post image size should be 1024 × 512 pixels
  • Maximum video length should be 140 seconds
  • Ad size image should be 1200 × 675 pixels

It can feel hectic keeping at pace with the everyday changes in social media. However, nobody should feel so, click here and learn more on social media marketing, adding proper images to the social media posts as well as managing clients’ online presence.

Thanks to our friends at Postcron for this help infographic.

[Infographic] Social video lengths and images sizes


[Infographic]-Social-video-lengths-and-images-sizes-700The value of videos and images in social media content cannot be overstated. You need as many videos and images in your posts as possible to attract more eyeballs and get more clicks. Social video lengths and images sizes need to be the optimal size for best results.

On Facebook, for example, posts with videos get 59% more engagement (shares, likes, comments, etc.). Images have a positive impact on engagement, too, albeit to a smaller extent. An image in your Facebook posts can boost engagement by as much as 37%, according to Jeff Bullas.

Impact of Social Video Lengths and Images Sizes

One way to maximize your social media engagement is to keep an eye on the length of your videos and the size of your images. That’s because if your video is too long, viewers may not watch to the end. If it’s too short, however, you might not get your message across properly. As for images, when the size is too small, viewers might struggle to see the message. An overly large image, on the other hand, may not display correctly on smaller mobile screens.

Render Forest has done the research and determined the optimal video lengths and image sizes for each of the major social media networks – complete with landscape recommendations! Check out the following infographic from Render Forest to find out what you might have been doing wrong so that you can revise your campaign for an improved ROI.


Social Media Etiquette [Infographic]

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social_media_etiquette - 315People prefer engaging with other people whether offline or online. If you’re on social media promoting your business, make your brand relatable, not robotic. Here are some tips on social media etiquette to help.

Start a conversation

Ask questions, solicit feedback, gather suggestions, and encourage comments whenever you post something on your timeline. And once you get input from followers, reply as soon as you can. This exchange of ideas can lead to a longer interaction.

Adopt a familiar tone

Sound like a friend, not a salesperson. Your followers will be put off if they feel like you’re doing “in-your-face” marketing. The best approach is to be subtle by giving people the information they want. Then make a quick mention of your products and services as a side note.

When in doubt, strive for balance. Mix up promotional posts with interesting content and you’re good to go.

Thanks to our friends at clarabridge.com for this informative and interesting infographic on social media etiquette.
