Tag Archives: managing a remote team

[Infographic] Tips for Working from Home

Infographic on tips-for-working-from-home

Infographic on tips-for-working-from-home

With the current Covid-19 pandemic, most firms have recommended that their employees work from home. Working remotely has become a new reality, and maintaining productivity at home can require some extra effort. The following are some tips for staying focused while working from home.

Get a designated work station

A designated work station helps in setting the mood for work. Having such a setup help other house members realize that once one gets into his or her station, it means business. This consequently averts distraction. When choosing or setting a workstation, prioritize comfort by getting a seat that doesn’t hurt the back and/or neck. Also, ensure that there is sufficient lighting, air, and space.

Have a list to keep you motivated

Coming up with a to-do list keeps one motivated, productive, and organized while working from home. When creating a list, keep in mind both long- and short-term goals. Keeping track of short-term goals lets one know his/her progress, consequently making work more doable when in bits.

Consider exercising

Working remotely means you’re less active. This can affect the health of an individual such as the development of back pain or knee stiffness due to sitting in the same position for extended hours. For one to remain healthy and active, it’s important to consider working out with virtual instructors, taking walks, or doing other domestic chores.

Working from home may not be ideal for most, but having tips on how to hack it may prove productive and fun in the long run. Thanks to the good folks at Visme for this useful infographic.

Tips for Working from Home Infographic.

Essential Tips for Managing a Newly-Remote Team [Infographic]



Home is quickly becoming the new office. Not only are more people choosing to work from home but an increasing number of employers are also finding it more beneficial to have employees working remotely. Let’s look at managing a newly-remote team.

According to a recent Tech Republic report, for instance, 78% of employees now work remotely some of the time, with 58% working from home at least once a month. About 36% work from home at least once a week.

While 36% might not seem like a huge number, it represents a 400% increase compared to 10 years ago. In the 2010 census, only 9.5% of the population said that they work from home at least once a week.

How to Manage Your Remote Workforce

Considering these statistics, it’s likely that you already have a team that works remotely or plan to have one soon. Whichever the case, you need to understand that managing a  newly-remote team is a little different than managing people you see at the office every day.

You must have the right;

  • People
  • Tools
  • Processes

Impactbound has developed a detailed guide to help you assemble and manage a successful remote team. From communication to goal-setting and team building to trust-building, the guide brings to light common remote work challenges and offers practical solutions at every step. Check out the infographic to find out what you need to do.
