Tag Archives: mobile marketing strategy

How a Business Can Use Mobile Marketing to its Advantage [Infographic]


How-a-Business-Can-Use-Mobile-Marketing-to-its-Advantage-[Infographic]-315More people are using their smartphones and tablets as their primary browsing device, so businesses should start taking mobile marketing seriously. Here are a few ways to start:

In-app marketing

Considering that 80% of the time spent on mobile is engaged with apps, it’s a smart move to ad marketing inside an app. Customers see the ads while using the app.

Push notifications

Send reminders about new arrivals, sale items, and other notable announcements when your customers aren’t using your app. These push notifications encourage people to make purchases 10 times more than without.

Mobile site redirection

If customers are still going to your store’s website while they’re on their mobile devices, automatically redirect them to where they can download the app. Make sure the app is easier to use than the website to make people stick to it.

Location-based services

For a localized approach, send customized ads to cell phone subscribers near the locations you want to target. Coordinate with telecommunications companies if you want to send ads through their networks.

Bluetooth marketing

Another way to reach customers nearby is to send ads to nearby mobile devices via Bluetooth. This method is both targeted and free, so it’s a win-win for entrepreneurs.

Thanks to our friends at AppGeeks.org for this great infographic.
