Tag Archives: search engine optimization

10 Essential On-Page SEO Factors for Google Success in 2022

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On-Page-SEO-Factors-for-Google-Success InfographicFavorable search engine performance remains critical to successful online marketing. A good SEO ranking boosts your business’ findability, improves reach, and increases overall conversion rates. But, more importantly, good SEO increases time spent on the site, boosts customer retention, and enhances ROI. For these reasons, every forward-thinking digital marketer is already thinking about how to improve their SEO performance in 2022. Notably, the Red Website Design team’s recent report enumerates ten essential on-page SEO factors to ensure success in the new year.

On-Page SEO Factors for Google Success

  • Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness (EAT): These three have been Google’s most important ranking factors for a long time, and nothing is about to change. If you can EAT well, you’ll rank well.
  • Title tags: The title tag is the clickable title displayed in blue on search engines, the one searchers click to visit your site. Moreover, It’s the ultimate decider (along with the meta description), that determines whether the user visits your site.
  • Meta descriptions: Meta content is the content underneath the title tag in search engine result pages. Additionally, is also very important content. It directly impacts your click-through rate and indirectly impacts conversion.

Check out the Red Website Design report (it’s a beautiful infographic). The complete guide to learning ways to improve your SEO as we head into the new year.

15 Common SEO Mistakes You Must Avoid in 2021 & Beyond [infographic]


SEO still matters in 2021, but the rules of the game have changed. You may be falling behind the competition if you’re still making the following common SEO mistakes.

Stuffing with keywords

When SEO was new, content with high keyword density got high rankings in search results. But now, major search engines use algorithms that detect keyword stuffing and penalize sites accordingly. Offer content that’s relevant to your target audience, and not to search robots.

Focusing only on on-site SEO

Your site’s SEO may be excellent, but what about your content’s SEO in other websites? Providing SEO-optimized content should be part of your off-site strategies. It’s not just the backlinks that matter. Your content on other sites can still rank in search engines when done right.

Failing to update consistently

Even the most viral content won’t stay at the top of search results forever. If you want your site to get a high ranking and keep it, make sure to provide high-quality and relevant content on a regular schedule for the best SEO results.

Check out 11 more common SEO mistakes you must avoid in the infographic from Red Website Design.

Top SEO Trends in 2019


Top-SEO-Trends-in-2019-700SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the primary tool that allows your website to rank on the first page of Google Search Results. 93% of people’s online experiences begin via a search engine. Therefore, businesses are looking for every technique they can use to outrank the competition and drive traffic to their websites.

SEO includes many different components- from creating quality content to proper link building. Website design, keyword research, and local SEO are also important pillars of any SEO project.

As Google continuously updates its algorithm for ranking websites, businesses are racing to keep up with newly emergent trends that may give them an edge over the competition. This is why SEO trends evolve frequently. Here’s what you can expect to see in SEO  trends in 2019.

A steady shift towards video

As much as text is still dominant in most search engines, more people are shifting towards video content by the day. In fact, it’s predicted that video will attract 75% of all internet traffic by 2020.

For your videos to rank highly in search engines, they’ll need to contain the right content, in the right format, and with the right keywords.

An emphasis on quality Content

High-quality content will also attract more traffic to your website in 2019. The key is to develop content that your target audience will find useful. All the material you produce- from blog posts to white papers- should contain the right keywords and provide insightful information.

There are many more exciting SEO trends that you can expect to see in 2019- including voice search, mobile optimization, and data safety. This infographic provides a full review of all the exciting trends that are coming up. Thanks again to our friends at Web CEO for this helpful infographic.

Qualities of a Good Inbound Marketer

Qualities of a Good Inbound Marketer-infographic-315

Qualities of a Good Inbound Marketer-infographic-315What differentiates a good inbound marketer from a bad one? It all boils down to a set of important traits:


To find success in inbound marketing, you need to know learn how to understand data and use it to your advantage. Data is useless if you can’t develop useful strategies from it.

There are several metrics to keep track of, but it’s worth investing time to each. For example, a high unsubscribe and a low open rate mean something. You’re probably sending emails too often, or offering the same deal over and over again. By studying your data, you’ll determine the cause of a badly performing campaign, then think of ways to address the issues.


After you’ve identified the problems, it’s time to come up with effective solutions fast. That’s where resourcefulness comes in. With so many things to do and so little time, you need to have the creativity to think on your feet, both to improve your campaigns and to get the scoop on the competition.

You don’t have to do this on your own. You can learn from SEO experts like Moz. Their accumulated knowledge and experience will teach you how to approach and overcome your challenges. And of course, a good inbound marketer is armed with powerful tools.

So are you good, or are you bad?

Our thanks goes to SEOpressor.com for this very informative infographic.

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Infographic: Search Engine Optimization Checklist

search engine optimization

search engine optimization

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is the process and tasks involved in pushing a website up to #1 on the search engine (Google, Bing, Yahoo).

Understand the Details of the Business

For your site to be successful in the search engines, you have to understand the details of the business. It’s easy when you deconstruct the business model to get into the business details. The more you understand your customers POV, the better your site will communicate a message that engages and inspires your potential customers.

Keyword Research

What phrases and words are your customers using to find businesses like yours? To get a quick advantage find out what your competitor’s keywords are. Here’s some great free tools to use:
Google Keyword Planner
Yoast Google Suggest Expander
Google Analytics

Build Targeted Pages

Build pages and/or blog posts with your targeted keywords as the topic.

The Right Keyword Balance

There’s a “balance” to keywords to text in an article/page. 2.5 to 5% of the page content should be keywords. If your keyword density is too low, you won’t rank for it. If your keyword density is too high, Google will penalize you. If you use Yoast SEO, it will give you the keyword to text percentage.

The Right Keyword Position

There are specific places in your article where you keyword should be placed for the most advantage, in the first paragraph as close as can be to the beginning of the sentence. And the very last sentence of the page or article.

Internal and External Links

Link your blog posts together with the pages and relevant blog posts on your site. Google like it when they can crawl around the site and go from page to page to blog post to blog post. The more they can spend time on your site crawling around the more Google likes it.

Link to websites that have a complementary topic to yours. Link to blog posts that will be a value to your readers. By linking to expert articles that back up your assertions and theories, your readers will see you as the go-to expert.

Submit your Website to the Search Engine

Just because your site is live doesn’t mean the search engines will find it. To make sure Google finds your site submit it to https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/submit-url?continue=/addurl&pli=1. Or just use the Yoast SEO plugin and it will submit your site for you.

Add a Site Map to your Website

Again Yoast SEO plugin saves the day here and will create one automatically or use XML-Sitemaps.com to create the sitemap manually.

Create Content for your Site

Google LOVES new content! Google is an advertising service disguised as a search engine. So serving up the freshest, most relevant content to their users will have their users come back to them time after time. Include links to your content and promote your newest content on social media and in guest posts.

Use an SEO Plugin

I’ve already pointed out the advantages of an SEO plugin for adding a sitemap and submitting your site to the search engine. Yoast SEO is my favorite. But All in One SEO is a close second. By using an SEO plugin, you stack the search engine in your favor with a meta description that compels the searcher to click on your page or article.

Feel free to ask questions about Search Engine Optimization in the comments.

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