Tag Archives: social media and technology

The Basics Of NFTs: Digital Art & Collectibles on the Blockchain



The basics of NFTs. Non-fungible-token (NFT) sales reached $2.5 billion in 2021, up from $13.7 million a year earlier, once again confirming the immense value of the new industry. There were more than 40,000 sales in March 2021 alone.

This presents a lifetime opportunity for investors seeking value. Like traditional artwork, a simple NFT today could be worth millions tomorrow. However, many recommend getting cryptocurrency insurance to protect your assets.

Interested? The Expensivity team explains the basics of NFTs in one of their recent blogs, even providing useful tips for those who wish to get started in the field. The following are excerpts from the blog.

What are NFTs?

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are unique and non-interchangeable data units stored on a digital ledger. Moreover, the term “non-fungible” actually refers to an item’s unique properties that make it unexchangeable with something else.

How Do NFTs Work?

Non-fungible tokens use digital keys to secure items using the same technology as cryptocurrency. A public key serves as the ownership assignment, while a private key authorizes a change in ownership. Meanwhile, the blockchain maintains tamper-proof ledger transactions and serves as a reference in case of misunderstandings.

Any digital creation can become an NFT, whether a photo, video, social media post, blog post, comment on a forum, etc.

Check out the Expensivity infographic to learn more basics of NFTs, what they are, how they work, the benefits, and how to monetize your digital creations through NFTs.

2019 Social Media Trends


2019-Social-Media-Trends-700Have you ever wondered what’s next for social media? We already have more than half the world’s population on various social media networks, with platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram each boasting more than a billion users. We also already have consumers shopping directly on social media networks and even making orders and paying without leaving their social media platforms. But what’s next? Let’s look at social media trends so far in 2019.

Social Media Today has attempted to answer this question with an infographic, and, without exaggerating, the future looks exciting!

2019 Social Media Trends: Top Highlights

Big Data will drive change in social media just like in other industries. In other words, brands will have to find the right data and uphold data transparency to succeed. To attain the required level of data maturity, businesses will be forced to spend significantly on social and PR budgets. As a result, we could see PR and social media marketing merging.

Another major prediction is the full adoption of AI in social media. We’ve already seen a few brands use chatbots to engage customers and provide selected customer services. Expect more of these bots and several other AI-powered social media. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are other innovative technologies that will find a way into social media.

Check out the infographic from SocialMediaToday.com to learn these and many other predictions and how they may impact your marketing.