Tag Archives: social media best practices

25 Ways to Use Social Proof on Your Ecommerce Website & Increase Sales



The social media buzz has pushed nearly every business to social networks lately. According to multiple sources, including HubSpot, at least 71% of small and medium-sized businesses have a social media presence. Statista puts the number at 91.9% for businesses with 100+ employees. Here are ways your business can use social proof on your ecommerce website and increase sales.

Unfortunately, although many SMBs report significant benefits from their social media presence, the majority are yet to maximize social media marketing ROI. For instance, according to Social Media Today, only about 24% of SMBs report a positive ROI on Facebook. It’s incredibly disappointing for a platform with so much potential.

Tips and Ideas for using Social Proof on Your Ecommerce Website

To this end, Red Web Design has rounded up 25 ways to use social proof to help small and medium-sized enterprises get more out of social media marketing campaigns. The tips include:

  1. Tapping into celebrity moments. Celebrities and well-known industry experts can help you get the spotlight on social media – even if for a few days.
  2. Leveraging media mentions. Magazine features, unsolicited reviews, and TV segments are just a few media mentions that can help drive social media performance.
  3. Adding trust seals. Trust seals are critical for conversions. For instance, adding a Verisign trust seal on your checkout pages can increase conversions by 42%.

Check out the Red Website Design infographic to find out 22 other ways to boost social media ROI.

The Best Times to Post on Social Media According to Research [Infographic]



The best time to post remains one of the biggest debates among social media marketers. Granted, you’ll always get engagements (likes, shares, retweets, comments, etc.) regardless of the time of posting. But, it’s no longer a secret that you’re guaranteed an even higher ROI if you post at the right time.

Best times to Post on Social Media

Unfortunately, there’s no magic bullet here. What works for your neighbor won’t necessarily work for you. Posting a cute video on Instagram at lunchtime on Thursday, just because your next-door competitor did so to great success, for instance, may backfire big time.

Instead, you must consider many other factors, including;

  • Your industry
  • Day of the week
  • The social network itself
  • The type of content you’re posting

You could both be software developers, for example, but with different target audiences. Maybe your customers are universities and colleges, while the neighbor develops solutions for healthcare. In that case, a lunchtime Instagram post would be ideal for the neighbor but not you. Why? Because most people in education don’t log into Instagram until after 5 pm.

The day of the week is another critical factor. If you’re posting on Monday, your impressions are likely to be even lower.

CoSchedule has an elaborate guide on this topic. Check it out (it’s a simple infographic) to learn the best posting times for your industry. Thanks to the folks at SocialMedia Today for the great infographic.


[Infograpic] What you Need to Know About Social Media Image Sizes



Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have dominated the social media scene in the past decade. It’s clear that over the years the social media landscape has been very dynamic. This makes it a challenge to keep up, and the best move will be to start with appropriate social media image sizes.

The audiences are first attracted by the visual identity of the brand, and sometimes it’s the only thing that they remember. Ensuring that the images are high-quality, properly sized and sharp is important if someone is aiming to leave an outstanding first impression. Below are perfect image sizes to use on different social media platforms.


  • Profile photo should be 180 × 180 pixels
  • Cover photo should be 851 × 315 pixels
  • Link image size should be 1200 × 628 pixels
  • Story ad size should be 1080 × 1920 pixels
  • Video size should be 1280 × 720 pixels
  • Maximum video length should be 240 minutes


  • Profile photo should be 180 × 180 pixels
  • Stories size should be 1080 × 1920
  • Maximum video length should be 60 seconds
  • Minimum image ad size should be 500 pixels wide


  • Profile photo should be 150 × 150 pixels
  • Header size should be 1500 × 500 pixels
  • Post image size should be 1024 × 512 pixels
  • Maximum video length should be 140 seconds
  • Ad size image should be 1200 × 675 pixels

It can feel hectic keeping at pace with the everyday changes in social media. However, nobody should feel so, click here and learn more on social media marketing, adding proper images to the social media posts as well as managing clients’ online presence.

Thanks to our friends at Postcron for this help infographic.

[Infographic]How to Write the Best Social Media Posts

[Infographic]How to Write the Best Social Media Posts-700

[Infographic]How to Write the Best Social Media Posts-700Many marketers still don’t get the maximum reward for their social media endeavors because they don’t create posts right. A lot of marketers, for instance, include as many hashtags and emojis in a post as they wish, not realizing that there are guidelines around these elements.

If you want more engagement (likes, shares, comments, and follows), you need to start following industry best practices.

Luckily, CoSchedule has done the hard work for you. The company has analyzed more than 6,399,322 messages from 11 expert studies to determine what a great social media post looks like. Better still, they’ve done this for all the major social media networks, including Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and Google Plus.

Best Social Media Post Findings

The first thing you learn from the findings (which are presented in the form of an infographic) is that many marketers are possibly using too many hashtags, even where none are required. According to the report, Facebook posts, for instance, don’t need hashtags. If you’re including hashtags in your Facebook posts, you’re doing your marketing wrong. Instead of hashtags, focus on finding great emojis. More importantly, you need just one emoji per Facebook post.

Check out the infographic from CoSchedule to learn more about how to best use hashtags and emojis in your social media posts. You’ll also discover the best post length for your favorite social media networks!

Entrepreneurs and Social Media [Infographic]

Entrepreneurs and Social Media

Entrepreneurs and Social MediaSocial media is a powerful tool which entrepreneurs can use to reach target audiences. But like any tool, you have to wield it wisely to get great results. Here’s how:

Make a social media policy

When your business grows, delegating tasks to others is a necessity. To give your brand a consistent voice, different people handling your social media accounts must have guidelines to follow.

Be careful of what you post

One wrong post can cause damage to your brand’s reputation. Even if you delete it right away, people are quick to take screenshots. Thus, avoid polarizing topics like politics and religion. And proofread more than once!

Follow a schedule

The ideal frequency of your posts depends on your target audiences, so there are no clear rules here. But it’s safe to say that posting once every half hour or once a month is not advisable.

Thanks, BusinessDegrees.uab.edu for this infographic on Entrepreneurs & Social Media.

Entrepreneurs and Social Media-infographic


