Tag Archives: social media strategy

Social Media Etiquette [Infographic]

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social_media_etiquette - 315People prefer engaging with other people whether offline or online. If you’re on social media promoting your business, make your brand relatable, not robotic. Here are some tips on social media etiquette to help.

Start a conversation

Ask questions, solicit feedback, gather suggestions, and encourage comments whenever you post something on your timeline. And once you get input from followers, reply as soon as you can. This exchange of ideas can lead to a longer interaction.

Adopt a familiar tone

Sound like a friend, not a salesperson. Your followers will be put off if they feel like you’re doing “in-your-face” marketing. The best approach is to be subtle by giving people the information they want. Then make a quick mention of your products and services as a side note.

When in doubt, strive for balance. Mix up promotional posts with interesting content and you’re good to go.

Thanks to our friends at clarabridge.com for this informative and interesting infographic on social media etiquette.
