Tag Archives: tips to create good content

7 Benefits of Content Curation for Social Media [Infographic]

Content Curation for Social Media - infographic

Content Curation for Social Media - infographic

Content creation is currently one of the most expensive processes in digital marketing. It’s an even bigger problem if you don’t have a dedicated content marketing team (in-house or outsourced). Brainstorming new content ideas and thereafter writing the content is a draining process. That’s where content curation comes in handy.

What’s Content Curation?

Content curation is the process of gathering information relevant to a specific topic or area of interest, adding value through selection and organization, and sharing it with your audience.

Social Media Content Curation Benefits

The main benefit of content curation is that it saves you from creating fresh content from scratch. However, that’s just the beginning. QUUU looks at seven other curation benefits for social media that will excite you.

  • Keeps your content calendar full. Content curation means you always have something to post/share even on days you haven’t created fresh content. For instance, you can share content from your community forums and reshare podcasts from your groups.
  • Become a thought leader by adding unique points of view. Thought leaders are popular in their niches because of their unique points of view. For instance, as an industry expert, you can add data to a curated social media post to make it more factual.

Check out the QUUU post to find out five other ways content curation can benefit your social media marketing campaign.

Infographic - Benefits-of-Content-Curation-for-Social-Media.

5 of the Most Important Stages in the Content Marketing Process

5 of the Most Important Stages in the Content Marketing Process

5 of the Most Important Stages in the Content Marketing Process

Learn the stages in the content marketing process. Content is still king. Indeed, content marketing is the pillar on which other digital marketing strategies stand. Without it, the rest of your online marketing strategy would fall apart.

Unfortunately, many marketers still struggle with content marketing. For instance, according to the Content Marketing Institute, only about 29% of B2C and 26% of B2B marketers think they are highly successful with content marketing.

You can join this elite group by optimizing your content marketing process. This means carefully designing and adopting a lean, goal-oriented content marketing approach and sticking to the plan throughout.

Five Critical Stages of the Content Marketing Process

1. Research and planning

Content research and planning involve setting realistic goals. As well as, identifying KPIs, creating customer personas, and choosing content types, among other steps.

2. Content creation

In this stage, you need to find the right writers, establish a workflow, create a content calendar. In addition, find the right software tools for effective task and team management.

3. Scheduling and publishing

Once the content pieces are ready, scheduling and publishing ensue. Key steps here include auto-publishing and customizing content for each platform.

4. Promotion and distribution

Promote, optimize, and share your content.

5. Analysis and improvement

Measure your performance, analyze the results, and then revise your strategy.

Shane Barker discusses these steps in greater detail on his blog and even provides valuable examples and tips where necessary.  Furthermore,  to learn what else you need to do for a winning content marketing campaign check out the infographic.

Social Media Content Calendar [Infographic]

Social Media Content Calendar Infographic

Social Media Content Calendar Infographic

Given the ever-increasing flow of new ideas, content, and news, it may be easy to be caught up in the daily management of various social media accounts. Coming up with a social media content calendar may seem like a big task at first. However, it proves to be valuable for time in the future.

Some of the benefits of creating a social media content calendar include:

  • They help one to have a consistent posting schedule. Reducing the worry and stress of figuring out what to post next.
  • By planning social media posts ahead of time, it means that one is able to countercheck her posts before publishing them. Editing texts, vetting content, and fact-checking information become easier when one has a social media content calendar.
  • They give one an overview of the kind of content that needs to get published, what’s upcoming, and the strategy that leads to the content being published at a specific date and time.
  • They allow one to strategically observe some of the global moments that are relevant to his brand’s audience.
  • Whenever there are other marketing works that need to be done, knowing that there’s a schedule for posting social media content frees up ample time and energy for other tasks.

The above benefits will provide peace of mind. And help capture more potential clients as one’s social media content become more relevant to a wider audience. Thanks to our friends at Mobile Monkey for this helpful infographic.

Social Media Content Calendar Infographic

Content Marketing 101 Explained with Kittens [Infographic]

Content Marketing 101 explained with Kittens [Infographic] - 315

Content Marketing 101 explained with Kittens [Infographic] - 315

You’ve probably heard the term “content marketing”,  but do you know what it is and why it’s an important part of your marketing plan? Content marketing 101 is explained in this informative and entertaining infographic from our friends at Mark Armstrong Illustration.

According to the Content Marketing Institute, “Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content that will ultimately drive profitable customer action.”

Content Marketing 101

Know Your Audience:

Before you can deliver a marketing message effectively, you need to know your audience and put yourself in the reader’s place. Think about their situation and address their issues through your content. Ask yourself:

  • Who is my reader?
  • What are their key business issues?
  •  Do you have a solution to relieve their “pain points?

Create Good Content:

Create content that your reader will value and captures their attention. In turn, this kind of content may offer a solution to a problem that your audience is having. Keep your sentences and paragraphs short and easy to read.

  • Start with a title that will capture attention
  • Provide solutions
  • Write short, concise content
  • Include a call to action
  • Add visuals and videos

content marketing 101 explained with kittens