Tag Archives: what to write about

Create Compelling Content When You Don’t Have a Clue [Infographic]

22 Ways to Create Compelling Content

22 Ways to Create Compelling Content

This inspiring infographic on how to create compelling content comes to us from Copyblogger. It’s ideal to write about what you know, but when you’re experiencing writer’s block, you have to look for something new to inspire you. Here’s what you can do:

Pick Other People’s Brains

Interview an authority figure, ask readers for ideas, hold a brainstorming session with your friends and peers, or curate a list of your top 10 favorite blog posts. No time to write? Invite a blogger to write a guest post.

Make Data Work For You

Content doesn’t always have to be written from scratch. Make a case study, write a review, tell a relevant personal story, or list the dos and don’ts for achieving success based on your own experience.

Get Out There

Inspiration strikes when you least expect it. Take a walk, watch a movie, go on a trip, start a new hobby, or just do something different. New activities will stimulate your creative juices.

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