Tag Archives: friend share app

Showcase your Event on Facebook and Empower Fans to Share

PROBLEM:  Awareness

You want people to be aware of your next Event.  Your budget is limited but you want to maximize exposure.  Can Social Media help?

SOLUTION: Word of Mouth Marketing (WOM)


Empower your fans to share when they view information on your event.

By making it easy to share, Facebook users are more inclined to pass it on.

Example Event on Facebook Using Friend Share App


Steps to Word-of-Mouth Marketing

1. Setup the free Friend Share tab on your company Facebook page.

Upon signing up or clicking “Add New Tab” (for existing TabSite users) in the manager, you will go through a few quick steps to setup your tab.

Step 1: Name Your Tab – simply enter the text for the name as it is to appear on your Facebook fan page.

Step 2: Choose your 111 x 74 Tab image (or upload your own).  This is the image on your fan Page Timeline below the cover image that directs visitors to your tab.  Make them specific and attention getting!  To upload your own, simply click the “select/upload one of your own” button to load your own image.


Step 3:  Choose Tab Type – This is an important area where you select the Engagement Apps (simple to build, simple to deploy) tab type.


When the Engagement App options open, select the “Friend Share” App:


This will load the Friend Share App on your TabSite Manager and you will see the Setup Form to complete.  Page Admins control the title and description of the shared message that fans will share. 

 2. Use the social sharing tools in the tab itself to share via your social networks

After the tab is on your company Facebook page, use the social sharing buttons to share the news about your event.

3. Use a Photo post on your Facebook page to get the word out to your fan community.

Post a Photo to your News Feed with a call to action and a Smart URL in the description field.

Why a Photo?  Facebook, in its own research, found that the most successful posts for capturing the attention of users and inspiring action are visual. Since 40 percent of a Facebook user’s time is spent in the News feed, capturing attention to inspire a “Like,” comment or share by using images is critical.

Quick Guide for posting your Event Tab to Facebook.  

This works for posting to your Facebook Page or a Facebook personal profile.

A. Go to your Timeline on Facebook and select “Photo / Video” for your new message.


B. Next Select “Attach Photo / Video”


C. Choose the image

Choose the image you want to post, add a text description to inform viewers of the event (this is the call-to-action that fans will see in their News Feed when the image catches their eye!), and include a Smart URL to the tab in the description so that desktop and mobile viewers can access the tab.


Then simply publish the post or schedule it to go out at a specific later time.

4. Rinse and Repeat

By “rinse” we mean review the engagement your post is getting.  Consider changing your wording and making the call to action stronger.

By “repeat” we mean that you will need to post about your event regularly in the days leading up to it.  Post at different times of the day and with different messages to capture the attention of your community and encourage their sharing.  Another item to consider to extend reach further is to use Facebook Promoted Post option per post to “Boost” the reach of the post to more friends of fans.

Following this procedure gives you the best visual means to sharing information about your event and drawing in fans to participate.
