Top Jewish News and Information Websites 2019

Top Jewish News and Information Websites 2019

There are so many sources of news and information on the Internet these days, and amongst all the opinions, propaganda and reports of ‘fake news,’ it’s becoming harder for consumers to filter the noise and figure out which websites are reputable and trustworthy. In this article, we’ve compiled a list of news sites that focus on the latest news from Jewish communities around the world.


This Jewish news website has been around for a long time, in one form or another. Way back in 1939, before Israel even existed, the Yedioth Ahronoth Media Group started a newspaper that very quickly became extremely popular and respected. Eventually, in 2000, they made the jump to digital and started the online version of the paper, Ynet. Five years later, the English language version finally came to life as YnetNews and persists today as a global source of information for all things Jewish.

Jerusalem Post 

During the British Mandate of Palestine, Gershon Argon launched this renowned newspaper on 1st December 1932, originally calling it the Palestinian Post. In 1948, the State of Israel was declared, and this news source had its name changed to its current name, The Jerusalem Post, two years later, in 1950. Today, the Jerusalem Post enjoys a worldwide circulation of over 50,000 copies in its broadsheet format, and the web version is one of the most popular sources of information on Jewish, Middle Eastern and Israeli issues worldwide. A great feature of this newspaper is the Hebrew-English translated monthly edition, known as the Jerusalem Post Iyrit. With a dictionary translation beneath each news item, it’s easy to keep up to date with current affairs, whilst also brushing up on your Hebrew.

Related news: Learn more about how charities are considered reputable and rated (such as via IFCJ reviews).


With an even larger circulation than the Jerusalem Post of 72,000 (100,000 at weekends), the Haaretz wins the award for the longest-running Jewish newspaper, as it was first published way back in 1918. The healthy circulation is, in part, due to the English edition (the Haaretz is published in both Hebrew and English) being circulated with the New York Times. The jury is out on how neutral a news source the Haaretz is, given its left-wing leanings and alleged political agenda, but it’s certainly a popular source of information for the global Jewish community.

The Globes

The Globes (and its partner magazine, Lady Globes) has been in circulation as a newspaper since the mid-80s, and the online version has been available since the halcyon days of Internet usage in the late 90s. The Globes is a business and finance focused site, and its English language focused web presence covers all areas of the business world, from investment and law to technology and marketing.

The Times of Israel

A web-only news outlet launched in 2012, The Times of Israel has quickly become one of the most popular sources of Jewish news and information in the world, with over 3.5 million online readers regularly visiting its contents. The site is proud of its politically neutral and unbiased approach to Jewish affairs around the world.


Owned by Patrick Drahi and launched very recently in February 2017, I24 is a French, English and Arabic language 24-hour news channel based in Israel. It has a huge online presence and a rapidly growing audience. It’s also a reputable news outlet that is updated regularly (even hourly) and keeps its audience very well informed. Topics range from the latest news and current Jewish affairs through sport, entertainment and lifestyle 

Wherever you get your news, it’s important that you make up your own mind about what you read, apply your own common sense, and perhaps ask yourself where the information is coming from and if the source is trustworthy or well informed. 


About April Heavens- Woodcock

Author: April Heavens–Woodcock , is the Chief Buzz Officer Touching Clients a Digital Marketing Firm that specializes in strategic online marketing development for businesses. She is passionate about helping businesses grow their bottom line with effective tools. She speaks regularly on social media, email marketing, and marketing around the East Coast.