Category Archives: Contests & Promotions

Growing Email Lists: How One Hotel Grew Their List with an App

Does it work?  Can running promotions serve to help your business grow a relevant email list? Here’s a success story from Holiday Inn Express & Suites, in South Florida! GOAL: This hotel had the goal of growing their community (Facebook fans) and creating a email mailing list of interested persons for future nurture marketing.  In […]

Facebook Contests ROI: How a Contest Helped an Insurance Firm

How a Facebook Contest for a non-sexy business (insurance) achieved great success! I’ve heard it many times before and in many variations but usually it goes something like this, “Our business doesn’t lend itself well to contests. We’re not sexy, we’re a service.” Well, here’s a case study on a business that could have said […]

Alternatives to Wildfire Apps as Google Reassigns Role

Did you catch the news?  Google announced last week that its WildfireApp platform will stop taking any new clients and instead focus on its Double Click advertising program. This means Wildfire is moving out of the App arena. The official statement on Wildfire’s blog reads: “The Wildfire Social Marketing Suite, which helps businesses manage their posts and […]