Four Novel Ways to Market Your Business

Four Novel Ways to Market Your Business6

Whether you’re a young company that’s making waves in your industry, or an established local business that’s got a strong base of consumers, you could always use a few more customers to bring in higher profits each month. It’s in this sense that it’s always wise to invest in your marketing team and in ways to market your business to attract a wider audience to view your brand, business and website. Read on to learn four novel ways to market your business in 2020.

Features and Influencers

One of the most exciting new ways to market your business is in the space of influencer-marketing. As you’ll know, influencers are those individuals who have managed to attract large audiences on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook and TikTok

It’s these people who will be able to feature your products in their photos and posts, for a fee. If you can select an influencer with whom you believe your target consumers will have an affinity, this can be an excellent chance to show off your business to the right segment of social media audiences. This is a great option for those businesses looking to reach younger audiences like Gen Y and Z.

Posters and Signage

While this is one of the oldest modes of advertising, it’s also the most neglected. With advertising and marketing budgets increasingly migrating online, the world of physical and traditional marketing is barren of takers and many billboards and signage areas across the country lie empty.

But, for local businesses especially, advertisements in the right spots can be an excellent boost to business — a prompt for local people to visit your store or facility. Consider the likes of elevator advertising signs or freeway billboards on the entrance to town, to show off your business and its brand. You’ll be able to print and deliver these to the sites you choose in extra-quick time when ordering your prints and advert materials online. 

Guerrilla Marketing

If you have a few cheeky creatives in your team who are excited to launch a very different kind of marketing campaign, you might be well-placed to trial a guerrilla marketing campaign. These are notoriously difficult to pull off and take some strategizing behind closed doors, but if you do manage to make it work, you can make your advert, and thus your business, go viral. 

To run a guerrilla marketing campaign, you just need a knock-out, creative idea that will capture the public’s imagination. Brainstorming sessions can help you find the essence of a good idea in this regard, leading your team to an exciting project that might result in a boom for your sales and an exciting increase in media attention for your business and brand.

Programmatic Marketing

Finally, the rise of programmatic marketing — that which shows your adverts on the internet only to web users with a certain digital footprint — has been a great success for businesses prepared to work in this space. By automatically bidding for the rights to show adverts over the course of milliseconds to consumers, you’ll ensure you get the best price for the advertising you perform. 

You will also guarantee that every single person who views your online advert has a chance of visiting your website as a result of their search. Look for advice online as to how you can use this new form of digital marketing to draw up the best possible plan to maximize on your ad spend.

These tips will help you flesh out new and exciting marketing campaigns in the future to draw a good deal more interest and trade to your company in 2020 and beyond.

About April Heavens- Woodcock

Author: April Heavens–Woodcock , is the Chief Buzz Officer Touching Clients a Digital Marketing Firm that specializes in strategic online marketing development for businesses. She is passionate about helping businesses grow their bottom line with effective tools. She speaks regularly on social media, email marketing, and marketing around the East Coast.