Tag Archives: hiring the right people

[Infographic] Word Maps of 12 Personality Types


Word-Maps-of-12-Personality-Types-315There are at least seven billion people in the world, but they can be divided into these dozen personality types.

How will knowing someone’s personality type benefit your business?

Some personalities will complete tasks better than others. Some personalities will handle customer service with ease. Think of matching the personality strengths to the tasks they’re best suited for. Life could be a lot easier when conflicts are minimized.

  1. Challenger – Driven and passionate, they bring out the best in themselves and others.
  2. Winner – They have the confidence and charisma to solve big problems and become influential leaders.
  3. Seeker – They don’t wait for opportunities to knock; they go hunting and seize it when they find one.
  4. Risk Taker – They’re not afraid to take a gamble in life, so they sometimes lose big but also win big.
  5. Enthusiast – Whatever venture they get into, these social butterflies are eager and excited.
  6. Buddy – They are approachable and generous, so they’re rarely in conflict with anyone else.
  7. Collaborator – Like oil in machinery, these folks know how to work with people and make people work with one another.
  8. Peacekeeper –  As great listeners, they have developed diplomatic skills that can dissolve conflicts.
  9. Technician – Given their cool-and-calm practicality, they thrive best in steady environments.
  10. Bedrock – The reliable ones, they’re prepared for any challenge life throws their way.
  11. Analyst – They want to get things right, so they aren’t afraid to study data to find the best way to do so.
  12. Perfectionist – Never settle for less, they’re always looking for ways to improve their situation.

Where do you fall?

Thanks, Onstride.co.uk for this amazing list of personality types.