Tag Archives: wordpress security tips

5 Common WordPress Security Issues [Infographic]


5-Common-WordPress-Security-Issues-[Infographic]Don’t let your WordPress site turn into a security risk that puts your information in the hands of data pirates. While there are more risks than just these four, preparing for them will drastically reduce the risk of a security breach.

1. Login Credentials

Selecting a screen name and password that is memorable but not weak, repeated elsewhere, or potentially compromised is a major security issue for WordPress and any other digital system. Hackers may also attempt to brute force the combination, so include a captcha and limits on login attempts.

2. Server Query Language (SQL) Injection

When users are allowed to input information to WordPress, they may be able to use that as a portal for SQL commands that control the site’s database. This is an older method that can be prevented with proper coding.

3. Cross-site Scripting (XSS)

XSS is the other classic website hacking method. Sometimes, the site will run a file or access data from another source. If the attacker can modify the file before it reaches the system that requested it, malicious code may be treated as trustworthy.

4. Failure to Update WordPress and Plugins

New, targeted vulnerabilities are always being discovered and fixed. There is no guarantee that any computer system is completely safe, but one that isn’t fully updated with patches is at more of a risk.

Check out this infographic below. from iThemes for more information relating to WordPress Security Issues.   For more resources, please see this article on WordPress  Security  Plugins.  

WordPress Security Vulnerabilities and How to Avoid Them [Infographic]


WordPress-Security-Vulnerabilities-and-How-to-Avoid-Them-Infographic-700WordPress is a popular and widely used platform for blogging and website creation. It’s popularity, however, has made it a target for hackers and other cybercriminals.

Vulnerabilities are a part of hosting any website but luckily with proper preparation website owners won’t be caught unprepared. Here are two easy ways to reduce a WordPress site’s vulnerability.

Login Safety

Trying to force their way into an account through randomly guessing a site’s admin password is one of the first steps many cybercriminals take. Computer software can brute force into an account by trying hundreds of login attempts using common password combinations automatically.

There are two easy ways to prevent this. A plugin can be configured to limit login attempts. Thus making brute force methods far less practical. Additionally, the use of two-factor identification makes getting into an admin account far more complex.  As it requires not only a password but an automatically generated random code.

Not Updating Software

Software updates don’t just add new features they also patch out vulnerabilities. Many hacks are successful due to taking advantage of known vulnerabilities found in outdated or old software versions. WordPress sites can be attacked through outdated themes, outdated plugins, or not updating WordPress itself. Regular updates of these items keep a site secure by reducing know methods of attack and using the latest security features.

Thanks to our friends at iThemes for this great infographic.


5 Ways to Secure Your WordPress Site [Infographic]


5-Ways-to-Secure-Your-Wordpress-Site-700Today more than ever people are paying attention to website security. Data breaches and other forms of identity theft are becoming more and more prevalent. Because of this, it is important for website owners to protect their sites.

There are many options available to help guard against hackers. While none are foolproof, used together they form a strong line of defense.

Stay Up to Date

Keeping your WordPress version current is the best thing you can do. Additionally, keeping your plugins updated is critical. As new vulnerabilities are discovered, WordPress developers create patches to cover it up. Not updating your software leaves you open to attack.

Use Strong Passwords

The next best thing is to use strong passwords. Most people have one or two simple passwords they use. This is a dangerous practice. Fix it by using a password manager.

Additionally, Two-Factor Authentication is one of the best ways to keep unwanted visitors out. For websites, the first authentication occurs when a user enters a user name and password. The second authentication comes when they responding to a text or email.

The old saying, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of the cure” applies to website security. It only takes a minute to check your security, and that is less time than having to clean up a security breach.

For the full list of 5 ways to secure your WordPress site, dig into the infographic below from our friends at iThemes!


Protect your WordPress Website from Hackers

Protect your WordPress Website from Hackers - 315

.Protect your WordPress Website from Hackers - 315WordPress is the most popular website platform, but it’s popular with hackers as well. According to WP White Security, in 2012, 170,000 WordPress websites were hacked! Here are some security tips that protect your WordPress website from hackers.

Stronger Login Information

  • Strong passwords can be created using password creators including Strong Password Generator, or Passwords Generator.
  • Many WordPress versions used the default username “admin,” which should be changed.
  • Change passwords frequently for added security; keep each password in a secure location.

Limit Login Attempts

  • Strengthen WordPress site security by reducing login attempts.
  • Protect the site by installing Login LockDown or Login Security Solution, which limits login attempts, protecting it from brute force attacks.

Thanks to WPShrug for this awesome WP security graphic.

Protect your WordPress Website from Hackers1



