Tag Archives: Timeline

Timeline Coming to Fan Pages February 29


It could become an exciting date for brands and businesses if the latest Facebook rumors are true!


Timeline.pngBusiness Insider is reporting that Facebook is in the process of launching Timeline for Brand pages and that an official announcement will be made on February 29th, when Facebook holds its invitation only Facebook Marketers Council.

With the company making all users switch over to the new timeline format, the next potential step is to allow brand pages access to the same features. Considering the story-line style look of Timeline, companies will have different opportunities for engaging with their audience if the new format comes.

One source told Business Insider that, “Facebook pushed back the launch of Timeline for brands to the end of February….Those two pieces of information [the council and the pushing back of Timeline for brands] are too much of a coincidence.”

The obvious big new feature of Facebook’sTimeline is the cover photo, but factors like the left-right presentation of posts and status updates, the chronological element of Timeline and the ability to find past moments or posts and highlight them on your wall, will certainly feature in the strategy of all social media marketers.

TabSite is staying tuned on any and all news in the Facebook developer areas and connections within Facebook to see what options there will be and how TabSite can be ready to assist our community with tools to work with Timeline.

Watch our fan page for updates and the latest information on these pending Facebook Timeline rumors.  We’ll also be addressing what we know and the latest Timeline updates in our February 16 TabSite Webinar.

F8 Rollouts by Facebook!

Facebook Announces Timeline!

All your stories, all your apps, and a new way to express who you are.

Learn more here: http://www.facebook.com/about/timeline

Facebook intends to roll out the new feature gradually but at the moment it requires users to register. To do so, head over to the new Timeline page, look towards the bottom of the screen and hit the Sign Me Up button on the menu. Once clicked, you will be make your profile eligible for the new feature, ensuring you can be one of the first to access it when it becomes available.


More Details:

“All your stories, photos, videos, apps. Profiles are wider, have a nice big cover photo at the top – use your cover to express something unique about yourself, change it daily if you wish”, says Zuck.


From the blog:

Introducing timeline – a new kind of profile

 With timeline, now you have a home for all the great stories you’ve already shared. They don’t just vanish as you add new stuff.

 Timeline is wider than your old profile, and it’s a lot more visual.  The first thing you’ll notice is the giant photo right at the top. This is your cover, and it’s completely up to you which of your photos you put here.

 As you scroll down past your cover, you’ll see your posts, photos and life events as they happened in time. You choose what’s featured on your timeline. You can star your favorites to double their size or hide things altogether.


Filling in the blanks

 If important parts of your story aren’t included on your timeline, you can go back to when they happened and add them.



Or go to your private activity log. This is where you’ll find everything you shared since you joined Facebook. Click on any post to feature it on your timeline so your friends can see it, too.



Add apps to your timeline

 Introducing a new kind of social app that lets you show the things you like to do on your timeline – the music you listen to, the recipes you try, the runs you take and more.

 These apps also help you discover what your friends are up to. You can even join in if you want: play the song they’re listening to, or watch the same TV show.

 You can start adding some of these new apps today, but timeline won’t be available for a few weeks.

 When you get your timeline, you can choose to publish it immediately or take a few days to review what’s there and add anything that’s missing.

 Now, you and your friends will finally be able to tell all the different parts of your story – from the small things you do each day to your biggest moments. What will you create? We can’t wait to find out.


Sam Lessin, a product manager at Facebook, is looking forward to adding the photo of his elephant-powered wedding to his timeline.