Timeline Coming to Fan Pages February 29


It could become an exciting date for brands and businesses if the latest Facebook rumors are true!


Timeline.pngBusiness Insider is reporting that Facebook is in the process of launching Timeline for Brand pages and that an official announcement will be made on February 29th, when Facebook holds its invitation only Facebook Marketers Council.

With the company making all users switch over to the new timeline format, the next potential step is to allow brand pages access to the same features. Considering the story-line style look of Timeline, companies will have different opportunities for engaging with their audience if the new format comes.

One source told Business Insider that, “Facebook pushed back the launch of Timeline for brands to the end of February….Those two pieces of information [the council and the pushing back of Timeline for brands] are too much of a coincidence.”

The obvious big new feature of Facebook’sTimeline is the cover photo, but factors like the left-right presentation of posts and status updates, the chronological element of Timeline and the ability to find past moments or posts and highlight them on your wall, will certainly feature in the strategy of all social media marketers.

TabSite is staying tuned on any and all news in the Facebook developer areas and connections within Facebook to see what options there will be and how TabSite can be ready to assist our community with tools to work with Timeline.

Watch our fan page for updates and the latest information on these pending Facebook Timeline rumors.  We’ll also be addressing what we know and the latest Timeline updates in our February 16 TabSite Webinar.

About Mike Gingerich

Mike Gingerich, President of Digital Hill & TabSite is a business blogger Marketer and Consultant. Part geek, part marketer, part strategist, total fitness and running junkie. Mike is an author and speaker, having presented at Social Media Week Lima, Social Media Camp (Canada) and more. Mike is a marketing, social media, and business startup enthusiast with 10+ years experience building apps, consulting, and training businesses with winning integrated strategies. Mike loves deploying tactics to increase awareness, sales, and maximize ROI in both B2B and B2C markets via digital media.

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