Tag Archives: benefits of infographics

[Infographic] Why We Love Infographics


[Infographic]-Why-We-Love-Infographics-700Everyone knows a picture is worth a thousand words. Which, if true, then a good infographic is worth at least ten times that amount.

As the internet has become more visual, it is critical to convey information that way. As humans, we are visual creatures. We can process and enjoy images much faster than we can text.

Also, as our attention spans wane, we tend to skim read more. This means that including images to convey a message has almost become a must.

One of the great things about the internet is the amount of information at our fingertips. While this is a great benefit, it is also a bit of a curse.

Fast and Memorable

Studies show we consume over 100,000 words a day outside of our work. Yet, on average website visitors only read 28% of the pages they visit. The great appeal of infographics is they convey large amounts of information quickly. Studies show when text and images are used together, comprehension rates improve by 25%.


More studies show that adding graphics to a presentation make it more persuasive. Additionally, graphics make presentations more believable than an only verbal presentation. Also, a cool graphic is easier to remember and recall than audio information.

In the final analysis, creating a lasting impression on your site’s visitors is much easier if you include some cool infographics.

Thanks to the great folks over at PostPlanner for this interesting infographic.