Tag Archives: Influencer marketing trends

2020 Influencer Marketing Trends [Infographic]



The last few years have seen influencer marketing grow from beginnings to powerful. Social media influencers gain attention through relatable entertaining, sensational, or educational content. Brands yearning for social media attention partner with influencers to build campaigns aimed at raising them to a grander scale and consequently increase conversions. Some of the 2020 influencer marketing trends include:

Adopting a storytelling tactic

By telling a story embodying human challenges, one is able to create an experience resonating with his/her customers. An influencer can help in marketing by showing his/her audiences how a product or service aided in solving a problem he/she faced. Influencers usually share most of their personal lives with their audiences, and when they tell of how a brand fits into their lives, their audiences and potential buyers are able to see real-life proof.

Video content

Influencers utilize a wide range of various video strategies. They engage their followers through how-to-videos, product reviews, and live streams. Such strategies allow influencers to broadcast your product or talk about it while capitalizing on visual appeal. Through using an influencer video content strategy, producers are able to engage consumers and also relay information regarding their brands.

Like various other marketing strategies, influencer marketing continues to evolve. One thing that is likely to beat the odds of time is a trustworthy outside voice. A reputable influencer will see brands drive a greater volume of conversions to their business. One type of influencer is a digital nomad that travels and works and can represent various products or services.

Check out the infographic from Dot Com Infoway to see more trends of influencer marketing in 2020 to generate more conversions.


Influencer Marketing Trends You Need to Know 2020


Influencer-Marketing-Trends-You-Need-to-Know-2020-700The growth of influencer marketing has been gradual but progressive. However, influencer marketing has seen its share of challenges arising from fake followers, clueless influencers that have no influence, and influencer posts that lack transparency. Nevertheless, the impact of this form of marketing is undisputed. Influencer marketing, no doubt, adapts to marketplace trends overtime. Here are some views on influencer marketing trends of 2020.

Combining Content Marketing, Influencer Marketing, and Social Media Marketing

Currently, many businesses consider content marketing, influencer marketing, and social media marketing to be separate kinds of online marketing. However, they are actually separate elements of one online marketing process.

The difference between these marketing elements is as follows:

  • Content marketing is all about creating and sharing content.
  • Influencer marketing a social media marketing focus on content distribution through social media accounts. The difference between influencer marketing and social media marketing is the person who creates and delivers the content.

In 2020, most businesses will merge all these processes into one comprehensive marketing strategy.

Brands Will Be Keen on Finding Influencers with Values That Match Their Own Values

One major challenge with influencer marketing over the years arises when brands are ashamed about their association with influencers who exhibit controversial behavior. Typical examples include when advertisers departed from Logan Paul’s YouTube channel when he uploaded a video of a suicide victim in one of Japan’s forest and PewDiePie’s partners leaving after several racist videos were posted.

The issue was that although not all supporters of Paul and PewDiePie’s flee from them most realized a mismatch between these people and their own brands. In 2020, the businesses will seek to find a better match between the values of their influencers and their own values.

Wrapping It Up

Influencer marketing is one of the tools that can help improve your brand and the success of your business. While studies have shown the effectiveness of this form of marketing, it is not without its share of weaknesses. One of the basic trends in 2020 will be to merge content, influencer, and social media marketing into one marketing strategy. Another trend will be to find influencers who do not contradict a business’s values. Influencer marketing will definitely feature these and many more improvements in the days to come.

Thanks to our friends at Influencer Marketing Hub for this helpful infographic.