Tag Archives: tips to plan your inbound marketing

Inbound Marketing Process: How to Get Started in 3 Months


Inbound-Marketing-Process--How-to-Get-Started-in-3-Months-315Inbound marketing has come a long way. But one thing hasn’t changed – it is still the best way to market. Not only is the strategy cheaper, but inbound also promises a lot more traffic, leads, and sales. If implemented well, you stand to benefit immensely from your campaign over a long period.

Inbound Marketing Strategy:

Here is how to get started in 3 months

  • Step #1: Learn about inbound:
    Some of the best places to educate yourself about the strategy are HubSpot, KissMetrics, Impact, and UnBounce.
  • Step #2: Build an inbound team:
    An inbound marketing team comprises a marketing strategist, a content copywriter, a web designer/developer, and a marketing coordinator.
  • Step #3: Assess your current situation:
    What assets do you currently have? What activities are you doing now? How are they performing? What is your budget?
  • Step #4: Define your goals:
    Remember that the best goals are SMART, i.e., Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely.
  • Step #5: Create buyer personas:
    Buyer personas will help you better define your audience for targeted marketing.
  • Step #6: Develop a game plan:
    Establish your content strategy, define your lead generation paths, and determine the required tools and technology.
  • Step #7: Set the ball rolling:
    In this final step, build a website, publish valuable content, promote the content, and evaluate your progress as the campaign grows.

Such a great infographic! Thanks, ImpactBND.com.

Why Your Inbound Marketing is Failing [Infographic]

Why your Inbound Marketing is Failing - 315

Why your Inbound Marketing is Failing - 315Don’t give up on inbound marketing just because you’re not getting a good ROI. You’re probably committing these common, yet fixable, mistakes.

Ill-defined buyer personas

You can’t predict the behavior and anticipate the needs of your customers if you don’t have enough data for analyzing patterns in their actions. You should use data as a basis for creating your buyer personas so that you can create a highly-targeted campaign.

Unclear direction

You continually upload content, but it has to do more than meet SEO needs. Do your different pieces come together to form a unifying theme? Every single post should steer your campaign in the direction you have in mind.

Poor promotion

Your content should be promoted through the proper channels to reach its target audience. Once you have a clear picture of your buyer personas, you’ll know where to market because you already know where customers look for new information.

Thanks to our friends at Social Media Authority for this helpful infographic.

Why your Inbound Marketing is Failing-infographic
