Tag Archives: content marketing tips

Use the Content We Crave to Attract More Web Traffic [Infographic]

Use the Content We Crave to Attract More Web Traffic

Use the Content We Crave to Attract More Web Traffic

Some pieces of content become viral while others fade into obscurity. What differentiates content we crave from content we forget?

  • Content that elicits emotions — Content that makes people feel (whether positively or negatively) is memorable because it touches the core of who we are.
  • Content that makes us think — Does the content challenge our assumptions or offer a fresh perspective? People consume content to be entertained and educated.
  • Content that motivates us — Motivation makes us feel good, so a reminder that we matter, that our dreams can come true and that we shouldn’t give up trying is always welcome.
  • Content that teases our minds — Secrets, surprises, and twists appeal to the curiosity, so content that offers any of these is hard to resist.

These are the kinds of content people enjoy and share. Make sure you have them on your site if you want your content marketing to be effective.

Our hat is off to Business2Community.com for this helpful infographic.

Use the content we all crave to get more web traffic

10 Common Blog Writing Mistakes

10 common blog writing mistakes

10 common blog writing mistakes

Excellent writing is vital for any businesses, and especially for their marketing efforts. Here an awesome infographic from GrammarCheck.com. I love this cheat sheet!

Homonym errors – improper usage of words that sound similar, but have different meanings

Incorrect tenses

  • Narratives should be written in the past tense
  • Statements about stories, movies, and/or books should be written in present tense

Pronoun – noun disagreement

  • Singular nouns should be used with singular pronouns
  • Plural nouns should be used with plural pronouns

Forgotten (or misplaced) apostrophes

Apostrophes should be used to:

  • Create the possessive form of nouns
  • Replace deleted letters or numbers

Informal writing

The language used when speaking is far different that language used when writing. Speech is informal while writing is formal.


The Simple Content Marketing Checklist

5 Steps To Successful Content' - topdogsocialmedia_com_content-marketing-checklist

Need a simple but thorough guide for content marketing?

Would you like to grow traffic to your site through blog posts that others value and want to link to and share?

Melonie Dodaro of Top Dog Social Media has created a great 5 Step Content Marketing Checklist that you can use right away!

The 5 Step Content Marketing Keys are:

1. Planning & Research

2. Writing

3. Optimization

4. Making it “Shareable”

5. Promotion

Here’s the infographic to share!

The Simple 5 Step Content Marketing Guide:


For the full post with even more detail, visit: topdogsocialmedia.com/content-marketing-checklist/.

What do you think?  Anything to add, any questions, or anything missing? Please share below!

10 Tips to Create Share Worthy Content

social media content shareable

social media content shareable How many hours have you spent adding buttons, gadgets and widgets to your new blog or website? You research the right tools, share buttons, share bars, analytic tracking tools and more. You install them with a hope and a prayer that someone somewhere is going to use them.  However, unfortunately many business leaders find they don’t get used. The share buttons sit on their site with the lonely zero or default +1. Chances are your pocket book or wallet might be feeling a little lonely too.

What if you took the same time you spend on the share bars, share buttons and tools and instead first focus on something worthy of a share? I know it sounds like a crazy concept because after all it’s far easier to focus on the bright shiny objects, geeky tools and data analytics.

Trust me, I am a data junkie and could literally spend all day helping my clients dig into the heads of their target audiences with a goal of embedding their brand in their brains!

Is your content worthy of a share?

  • Why should I read your content in the first place?
  • Why should I believe what your content says?
  • What about your content is going to help me grow my business?
  • What about your content will add value to my life?
  • How is your content relevant to me or my business?
  • Why should I like, pin, retweet or Google +1 your content?
  • How is your content unique from the other million blog posts out there? How and what benefit are the members of my community and followers going to receive from the content?
  • Why should I take action on your behalf?

If you really want success with online marketing and social media you must at some point provide relevancy. Yes, you can avoid this for a short period of time. You may be able to sell your boss and executive stakeholders on the number of retweets, likes and pins. Your board may get excited by the super star retweet you get from the latest singer rockstar from American Idol.

However, at the end of the day the same question still remains… what is your content doing for me? What is it doing for your audience? What is it doing for your business, stakeholders, shareholders and customers?

Content marketing defined…

Let’s take a look at the definition of content marketing.

Content marketing is an umbrella term encompassing all marketing formats that involve the creation and sharing of content in order to engage current and potential consumer bases. Content marketing subscribes to the notion that delivering high-quality, relevant and valuable information to prospects and customers drives profitable consumer action. Content marketing has benefits in terms of retaining reader attention and improving brand loyalty.
*Source: Wikipedia

Content marketing is a marketing technique of creating and distributing relevant and valuable content to attract, acquire, and engage a clearly defined and understood target audience – with the objective of driving profitable customer action.
*Source: Content Marketing Institute

The words that matter. Make note of these words highlighted above. Notice any themes?

  • high-quality
  • relevant
  • valuable
  • action
  • retaining
  • attract
  • attention
  • acquire
  • engage
  • action
  • brand loyalty
  • profitable

I know you are all smart enough to understand where I am going with this. You know what the words above mean.

So I am going to ask you the same questions… is your content relevant, engaging, high quality, valuable, actionable? Is it content that is going to inspire me to give you my attention? Will it inspire me to take action? To engage with you and your brand? Is it going to inspire me to take an action that will benefit you and your  business?

Well, I can tell you that if you are not thinking about the above words on a daily basis as they relate to your business, your Facebook pages, your tweets and your email blasts, then the chances you are going to attract me, inspire me to buy anything from you are few and far between.

10 tips to Create Share Worthy content 

1. Learn, download and embed the definitions and words above into the dna of your brain.

2. Take the same words and embed them into the DNA of your marketing and business plans.

3. Don’t let your relationships turn all digital. Talk to your customers, partners, stakeholders and prospects in real life. Get that eye to eye, hand to hand connection. Get in their head and in their heart. The people in your online and offline communities are truly the heartbeat of social media.

4. Don’t assume you know what you don’t know. If you haven’t asked your audience what they want the past two years I’d suggest you ask. You might be surprised in the result.

5. Set goals and objectives for measurement. You can’t optimize, monetize and measure what you do not track, so set goals and objectives early.

6. Be honest with your internal skill set. If you don’t have the right skill set internally don’t be afraid to outsource. There are many awesome writers who are affordable and can often deliver much higher quality work than what you can do yourself at a lower cost.

7. Get out of your box. If you have had the same team for the past few years, then you need to get an outside opinion. Even our agency occasionally hires an outside writer to help us with new perspectives and ways to connect with our audiences. A third or fourth eye can never hurt.

8. Be patient and invest time. It is going to take time and resource to create relevant, engaging and valuable content. Do not expect overnight results. Build your plan and work yer plan as granny would say! You’ll eventually get there.

9. You will never know what you can do if you don’t try. What’s the worst thing that will happen if you put a little more effort into your content marketing game? Can’t be much worse than those lonely share buttons can it?

10. Don’t be afraid to do the happy dance. Keep your head up. We all started somewhere. I can still remember the first days of launching my blog with a hope and prayer I would get one or two retweets. I can remember doing the happy dance when I started hitting 10 retweets a day. Set realistic goals and celebrate your milestones, not someone elses!

Free Whitepaper:

Check out this free whitepaper for 15 Tips to Stomp Status Quo & Zoom Your Brand! Content is more than words. Content must embrace, support and invigorate your brand. It must inspire your audience to listen and engage in what you have to say!