Tag Archives: content marketing tips

Create Content that is Better than your Competitors

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Create Content that is Better than your CompetitorsBetter content attracts more traffic. But what constitutes better? Read on to find out:

Long-form articles

Make your articles substantial and informative. High-ranking resources have around 2,400 words on average. To break up the content into smaller chunks, add an image every 100 words or so. Professional photos work best.

Readable fonts

Most people consume content on the small screens of their mobile devices, so small and fancy fonts won’t be easy to read. Choose at least a size 15 font. Pages ranking No. 1 use 15.8x font size on average.

Various content types

Go beyond articles when producing content by repurposing them into infographics, animations, videos, and other forms. Whenever possible, make content interactive instead of static to enjoy twice as many conversions.

Content is king, but the presentation is queen. For readers, how you deliver content matters as much as what’s in it.

Our thanks go out to SiegeMedia.com for this great infographic on How to Create Content 10x Better than your Competitors.

Create Content that is Better than your Competitors




Use a Content Calendar to Generate Leads

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Use a Content Calendar to Generate Leads - 315In 1996, Microsoft founder Bill Gates said that content is king. Fast forward to more than 20 years later, and what he said still rings true.

But in the 90s, there wasn’t as much competition. You were good to go with a basic site with some text because that’s what all websites looked like then. But now content can be delivered in so many ways and on so many platforms. You need to have a clear plan with the following steps to ensure your content marketing is effective:

Identify your target market

Buyer personas serve as the representations of your ideal customers, so create them first before doing anything else.

Once you have them, flesh them out as much as you can. The more detailed you are with your buyer personas, the more you’ll know about the actual people you want to target. Don’t know where to start? You can use your current client lists or social media followers as a guide for making these profiles.

Determine what they want

Stuffing your content no longer works, but using keywords in moderation still, does. Thus, keyword research remains to be a useful tool. It helps you find out what your target audience is looking for and how they’re looking for it.

Engage your audience

Content that looks like an ad will turn off people because there’s nothing in it for them. Instead of hard selling, focus on engaging your audience with useful content. They’re giving you their time when they read your articles and watch your videos, so it’s only fair that they get the information they want.

If you establish yourself as an authority in your niche, they’ll also come back for more and may turn into leads. Make sure you have a lead capture tool when that happens.

Get creative with your ideas

Next, build your content calendar with your strong ideas. Start with the questions your customers are likely to ask then work on providing the answers. Also, let your creativity shine at this stage by creating infographics, slideshows, videos and other media to supplement your articles.

Plan out a doable schedule

Many businesses started out active online then failed to sustain it in the long run because they were too ambitious.

Quality, quantity, and consistency are the ingredients of content marketing success, so you need to follow a realistic posting schedule to achieve all three. Posting daily isn’t practical, but posting once or twice a week is.

Create content

If you’re too busy to write, hire freelancers or start an in-house writing team. But you can still squeeze out a blog post every now and then. Jot down ideas in bullet points, capture sources of inspiration on Evernote, doodle ideas on a napkin. You can also record your article on a voice message app and hire a transcriber later.

Automate what you can

Tools like HootSuite allow you to schedule your posts across different social media sites. You can draft all your posts for a week or month in one block then assign different posting dates and times to them. This ensures you’ll have published posts even if you get too busy later.

Most importantly … be patient

It takes a while to build a reputation as an authority within your niche. It can take a year of weekly posting, but once it picks up, it’s just a matter of maintaining your foothold. Content marketing is accessible to your audience and affordable for your pocket, so there’s really no losing here when done properly.

Content Marketing 101 Explained with Kittens [Infographic]

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Content Marketing 101 explained with Kittens [Infographic] - 315

You’ve probably heard the term “content marketing”,  but do you know what it is and why it’s an important part of your marketing plan? Content marketing 101 is explained in this informative and entertaining infographic from our friends at Mark Armstrong Illustration.

According to the Content Marketing Institute, “Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content that will ultimately drive profitable customer action.”

Content Marketing 101

Know Your Audience:

Before you can deliver a marketing message effectively, you need to know your audience and put yourself in the reader’s place. Think about their situation and address their issues through your content. Ask yourself:

  • Who is my reader?
  • What are their key business issues?
  •  Do you have a solution to relieve their “pain points?

Create Good Content:

Create content that your reader will value and captures their attention. In turn, this kind of content may offer a solution to a problem that your audience is having. Keep your sentences and paragraphs short and easy to read.

  • Start with a title that will capture attention
  • Provide solutions
  • Write short, concise content
  • Include a call to action
  • Add visuals and videos

content marketing 101 explained with kittens

The Do’s and Dont’s of Content Marketing [Infographic]

The Dos and Don'ts of Content Marketing

The Dos and Don'ts of Content Marketing

Content marketing is an effective way to reach your target audience by offering relevant content that addresses their needs. There are several ways to market content, and one of them is blogging. Here are some tips you can try to succeed in blogging:

  • Readability

    Keep sentences short, simple, and direct. Or if you need to use longer sentences to better explain a point, make sure to mix the length. The goal is to make content readable for most people.

  • Consistency

    You don’t have to publish an entry every day, but maintain a schedule so that people will know when your blog has fresh content. Posting at least once a week is fine.

  • Shareability

    Add buttons for Facebook, Instagram, etc. There’s no surefire formula for content to become viral, but you can make it easy for people to share it on their social networks.

    Our thanks to WebNetHosting for this informative infographic.

The Dos and Don'ts of Content Marketing_infog