Tag Archives: gen z marketing

How Brands Can Create Content That Resonates With Gen Z



Many marketers are struggling to connect with Generation Z. According to a recent article on Market Week, “communicating with these teenagers is a minefield, leaving in its wake a cemetery” of misplaced content, ill-judged products, and, overall, rejected marketing. Here’s how brands can create content that resonates with Gen Z.

It all makes sense because the Generation Z cohort is different. For one, they’re already so familiar with tech that nothing “awes” them. So, you need to get to the point right away or risk rejection. Moreover, their early exposure to the internet means they often know more than you do, making marketing even harder.

Fortunately, Tequia Burt, Editor in Chief, LinkedIn Marketing Solutions Blog, has a few ideas on creating content that connects with your Gen Z targets.

For example;

Be authentic

The first step is to focus on authentic marketing, as regurgitated content is a big turnoff among this demographic. They’ve likely seen or heard about if someone has already published it. So, you need to give them something different, or you’ve just lost their attention.

Show ambition

Generation Zs favor growth. They have a  “can’t miss” attitude that drives them towards big goals. As such, they tend to lean more towards ambitious brands that challenge previously held standards and norms.

Check out Burt’s LinkedIn post to learn other clever ways to create content that resonates with Gen Z.


How to Market to Each Generation [Infographic]

How to Market to Each Generation - Infographic

How to Market to Each Generation - InfographicFrom boomers to gen Z, everyone’s on social media nowadays. So if you want to target a specific age bracket, you need to know what works for a generation and what doesn’t:


Millennials were born from 1977-1995. Ratings and reviews influence their decision to buy a product or use a service. Many of them are also on Facebook.

The best approach for millennials is finding brand advocates to promote your business. It’s a good way to establish trust, an important thing for this generation.

Gen Z

Gen Z kids were born from 1996 to 2010. They consume a lot of information on social media, so their attention flits often. They also use Facebook but they prefer Snapchat because of their love for video.

To engage with Gen Z, keep content short and appealing to sustain their interest. Eight seconds is all you need to make them look your way.

Thanks to our friends at Citipost Mail for this helpful infographic.
