Tag Archives: customer life-cycle

Boost Your Sales With Effective Lead Nurturing [Infographic]

Effective-Lead-Nurturing infographic.

Effective-Lead-Nurturing infographic.

Lead nurturing has become even more vital in recent years, and for a good reason. For one, very few customers buy at the first meeting. Furthermore,  most studies show that only 2% do. The others often need convincing, which can take days to months, depending on the industry and type of customer. Moreover, effective lead nurturing boosts customer loyalty and prolongs the life of customer relationships.

To this end, Grazitti Interactive has developed an insightful guide (presented as a beautiful infographic) to help you better appreciate the need for effective lead nurturing and get you started on a nurturing campaign.

 Key Takeaways

  • Nurturing guarantees increased purchases: If you’ve struggled to close purchases, nurturing can be extremely valuable. It increases purchases by up to 50%.
  • Multiply your sales opportunities: Do you struggle to find sales opportunities? Lead nurturing increases sales opportunities by up to 20 percent.
  •  Increase sales-ready leads: Sales-ready leads are contacts who are almost ready to purchase. Nurturing increases sales-ready leads by 50%.
  • Enjoy increased response rates: How often do you go without getting a response from leads? Nurturing increases response rates by 4x to 10x (400% to 1000%) at a 33% lower cost.

Check out the rest of the Grazitti Interactive guide to find out other advantages of effective lead nurturing and learn key strategies for effective nurturing.

How Do Small Businesses Earn Customer Loyalty? [Infographic]



Retaining customers is cheaper than acquiring new ones, so if you’re running a small business, you should allot more resources on earning your customers’ trust and eventually, their loyalty.

Earn Customer Loyalty

The good news is that many people prefer to patronize small businesses instead of big corporations. According to a survey, 86% of respondents said they’re fine with paying a little more to work with a small business. In fact, 47% are also willing to go out of their way to shop from a local seller. If they’re happy with their experience, 59% always tell other people about it. These statistics show that the odds are in your favor.

Deliver Great Customer Service

But that’s only one foot in the door because great products and services aren’t enough. To actually retain customers, you also need to consistently deliver great customer service that’s timely, relevant, and effective. Respondents of the aforementioned survey have different reasons when asked about what earns their loyalty, but great customer service still nabbed the top spot.

Create a Personalized Experience

Next on the list is a personalized experience. People appreciate it when businesses make them feel special and seen, and not just another sale to add to a quota. They like memorable interactions, exclusive events, tailored discounts, sneak peeks, and early access to new inventory.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. To delve into how to earn customer loyalty in more detail, refer to Salesforce’s infographic.

Is Digital Marketing Worth the Effort?


Is-Digital-Marketing-Worth-the-Effort-700Digital marketing has become a key part of the marketing industry as internet access and social media engagement have grown into very widespread and highly used platforms. Two essential components of a successful digital marketing strategy are customer acquisition and customer optimization. These will help to answer the question: Is digital marketing worth the effort.

Customer Acquisition

Customer acquisition is the practice of driving more visitors to a company’s website. By simply getting more visitors a company increases revenue by bringing in more potential customers. Thus increasing awareness of a company’s products or services. In general, the two best drivers of customer acquisition are SEO (search engine optimization) and email marketing. Both focus on potential customers interested in specific topics, products, or services. Additionally, who may be looking for a company to fit a specific need.

Customer Optimization

Customer Optimization is the practice of optimizing a website once a visitor arrives to turn said visitors into paying customers. It is focused on improving the consumer experience. The most effective methods of doing so are chiefly A/B testing and multivariate design.

A/B testing focuses on a website’s performance by comparing two different versions and seeing which one performs better with customers. Multivariate design, by comparison, takes the various design elements a website can use such as headlines, widgets, text layout, to determine which combination of these various elements yields the best results.

Check out this infographic to learn more about why digital marketing is worth the effort. Thanks to our friends at Visual.ly for this informative and helpful infographic.



[Infographic] Use Data Science To Transform Your Digital Marketing Strategies



People around the world create over one million terabytes of data every day. Each additional data point has the power to lead you towards finding your digital marketing success.

How do you channel these resources for your business?

Understanding Data Science

The disciplines of statistical mathematics, computer science, and business form the foundation of data science. Fused together, you can use this to enhance your knowledge of marketing. This will sophisticate your efforts and at the same time making the experience for your users more personal.

There are plenty of examples you can point out how data science impacts businesses. Netflix is a great case study. For instance, every time you binge watch or check out a show you’re interested in, you send your personal data to the company. Netflix cleverly designed their algorithm so they can send you show recommendations they know you will enjoy.

Everything you watch allows the algorithm to know you better, all through the art of data science. But how can you use this dimension of marketing to boost your business?

  • Analyze your customer’s journey for how they interact with products and advertisements
  • Effectively optimize search engines to suggest to them future purchases
  • Use smart segmentation to study the demographics and personality types of your users

These are a few of the techniques you can tool to your digital marketing strategy. Uncover hidden insights and elements of your business to reach a new level of success. Learn more now.

Thanks to the great people at CleverTap for this infographic.

[Infographic] The New Marketing Funnel


[Infographic]-The-New-Marketing-Funnel-315Introduction by Kim Buenafe

The marketing funnel has evolved over the years. Recent advances in technology, increased access to information, emerging digital marketing tactics, and changing consumer behavior have all contributed to this marketing funnel makeover. The customer’s buying journey is now less linear and more complicated than what the old funnel suggests.

The Traditional Marketing Funnel and How it Works

Businesses have been using the marketing funnel to visualize and understand the consumer’s buying process from being a prospect to becoming a buying customer. The term was coined because of how it works – like a funnel. Awareness sits on the wide edge of the funnel where potential customers are drawn in through various campaigns and research. Engagement happens next, followed by discovery and then purchase. Retention takes place when a delighted customer makes a repeat purchase.

For years, marketers have used marketing strategies inspired by the traditional marketing funnel. They capture leads, make sales, and retain customers. The farther the cycle gets, the narrower it becomes. This traditional marketing funnel was all but a linear journey. Fast forward to today, this might not be the case anymore.

Out with the Old, In with the New

As businesses grow, so does the consumers. The digital age not only sparked changes in marketing practices and tactics; it also enabled consumers to gather the information they need and altered the way they interact with each other. Given this scenario, prospects and consumers can now appear at any stage. This paved the way for a new marketing funnel – one that looks quite different from how it once was.

But how does it differ aside from the way it looks?

The new marketing funnel isn’t even a funnel at all. It’s a looping hourglass where customers can enter and exit at any stage of the marketing process. This further extends the finish line to include other stages, like adoption, expansion, and advocacy, that help nurture prospects through an omnichannel experience that’s unique for each buyer.

Let’s take a look at how the new, lifecycle-based marketing funnel works.

Wrap Up

With the new marketing funnel, marketers can come up with better business strategies that propel growth. When done right, it can lead to efficient sales processes and increased business profit. Now, the goal doesn’t end at the point-of-sale with a customer. Rather, the goal is to touch on every stage of the customer life-cycle, from spreading brand awareness to coming up with a long-term brand advocacy – a strategy that spells brand success.

Thanks to our friends at Campaignmonitor.com for this educational infographic.

