Tag Archives: facebook hashtag promotion

Best Practices for Holiday Facebook Marketing Campaigns

Best Practices for Holiday Facebook Marketing Campaigns

Best Practices for Holiday Facebook Marketing Campaigns

Are you starting to plan your holiday marketing on Facebook?

It’s important to focus your marketing campaign on grabbing and holding your audience’s attention.

Whichever holiday is at hand, it will be on the consumer’s minds in the weeks preceding it, so it’s important to incorporate what’s trending and capitalize on the holiday for sales opportunities.

Adjusting your Facebook campaign for the holidays is pretty straightforward. We’ll dive into that in this post but essentially, you’ll add holiday features to your current campaign and concentrate Facebook posts with content that suggests the upcoming holiday.

Steps in creating your holiday Facebook campaign

Cover and Profile Theme

Change the theme of your business Facebook page by making a holiday related profile picture or avatar, adding holiday photos and changing your Facebook Page cover image to holiday themed cover image.

Plan for the holiday before it happens by sharing tweets and posts, as well as trends about the holiday.

Encourage your Facebook fans to participate in holiday posts and events.

While you do focus on the holiday, also be thinking through and posting “evergreen content” (content that has long-term value and is not time specific) that’s going to last and be relevant even after the holidays.

Offer Special Services

Special Holiday Key: Offer special services that are only available during the holidays.

  • Promo codes
  • Gift wrapping
  • Contests
  • Limited time offers

And be sure to share about these special items on social media!

Use Hashtags

Research holiday hashtags; they will vary depending on the holiday, and what types of products, toys, topics, and news is popular during that season. Then ramp up the posts, include those hashtags and look for ways to engage and be ready to respond!

Including the hashtags and trending holiday topics into your posts will push the Facebook page to a potentially larger audience and expose new users and potential consumers to your specific product or brand.

Optimize for Keywords

New posts should be holiday keyword optimized. When new customers who have the holiday on their mind will search for terms, keywords, and products they normally wouldn’t.

This is a huge opportunity to increase your user base and snag new customers during this limited marketing opportunity.

Adapt to the holiday season, and you’ll see an increase in Facebook activity and engagements and an opportunity for the holiday Facebook marketing campaign to be a huge and stunning “value-add” to your business bottom-line.

How to Use Facebook Hashtags to Increase Facebook Contest Results

Facebook Hashtag Contest Promotion Communication Facebook recently announced the incorporation of hashtags into their platform.

What is a hashtag?

Hashtags turn topics and phrases into clickable links. They can be used on your personal timeline, Facebook page, photos on Facebook and the list goes on. Facebook hashtags make it easy for users to easily follow conversations and even find topics or products they are interested in.

Check out this post which provides a good summary of the new Facebook hashtag feature and capabilities, “Hashtags on Facebook Arrive.

As marketers are starting to dig into the opportunities for using hashtags on Facebook to increase their marketing results one way that must not be overlooked is the ability to use Facebook hashtags for contests and promotions.

How to Use Facebook Hashtags in Contests and Promotions

1. Select a hashtag to represent your contest, promotion and/or brand. Make it simple and easy to remember.

2. Include the hashtag as part of the foundational communication for the contest or promotion. Include it in all communication such as email, tweets, Facebook posts, Facebook images and photos, Pinterest posts, and blog posts when announcing and inviting people to participate in the contest or promotion.

3. Give participants clear instructions on how to use and include hashtags as they participate in the contest and as they share with their friends and colleagues.

4. Monitor the hashtag on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and other platforms as appropriate. Watch for conversations to engage, answer questions.

5. Leverage the hashtag in your metrics to measure the overall success of the campaign.  Facebook has not launched integrated hashtag measurement features for this yet. Efforts currently will need to be manual and leverage available tools, manual monitoring and tracking of conversations etc.

As with anything you do with social media and Facebook marketing, hashtags should not be used as a stand-alone strategy or tactic. Integrate hashtags into your marketing. Align them with key marketing initiatives, campaigns, and promotions. Take the time needed to learn and understand how they can help you achieve your goals and objectives, not just randomly throw them into your contest.

Check out our recent Facebook webinar for details on how to use hashtags in Facebook Promotions and Contests and much more. “How to Run a Successful Facebook Photo Contest.”


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