Tag Archives: social media marketing

Use a Content Calendar to Generate Leads

Use a Content Calendar to Generate Leads - 315

Use a Content Calendar to Generate Leads - 315In 1996, Microsoft founder Bill Gates said that content is king. Fast forward to more than 20 years later, and what he said still rings true.

But in the 90s, there wasn’t as much competition. You were good to go with a basic site with some text because that’s what all websites looked like then. But now content can be delivered in so many ways and on so many platforms. You need to have a clear plan with the following steps to ensure your content marketing is effective:

Identify your target market

Buyer personas serve as the representations of your ideal customers, so create them first before doing anything else.

Once you have them, flesh them out as much as you can. The more detailed you are with your buyer personas, the more you’ll know about the actual people you want to target. Don’t know where to start? You can use your current client lists or social media followers as a guide for making these profiles.

Determine what they want

Stuffing your content no longer works, but using keywords in moderation still, does. Thus, keyword research remains to be a useful tool. It helps you find out what your target audience is looking for and how they’re looking for it.

Engage your audience

Content that looks like an ad will turn off people because there’s nothing in it for them. Instead of hard selling, focus on engaging your audience with useful content. They’re giving you their time when they read your articles and watch your videos, so it’s only fair that they get the information they want.

If you establish yourself as an authority in your niche, they’ll also come back for more and may turn into leads. Make sure you have a lead capture tool when that happens.

Get creative with your ideas

Next, build your content calendar with your strong ideas. Start with the questions your customers are likely to ask then work on providing the answers. Also, let your creativity shine at this stage by creating infographics, slideshows, videos and other media to supplement your articles.

Plan out a doable schedule

Many businesses started out active online then failed to sustain it in the long run because they were too ambitious.

Quality, quantity, and consistency are the ingredients of content marketing success, so you need to follow a realistic posting schedule to achieve all three. Posting daily isn’t practical, but posting once or twice a week is.

Create content

If you’re too busy to write, hire freelancers or start an in-house writing team. But you can still squeeze out a blog post every now and then. Jot down ideas in bullet points, capture sources of inspiration on Evernote, doodle ideas on a napkin. You can also record your article on a voice message app and hire a transcriber later.

Automate what you can

Tools like HootSuite allow you to schedule your posts across different social media sites. You can draft all your posts for a week or month in one block then assign different posting dates and times to them. This ensures you’ll have published posts even if you get too busy later.

Most importantly … be patient

It takes a while to build a reputation as an authority within your niche. It can take a year of weekly posting, but once it picks up, it’s just a matter of maintaining your foothold. Content marketing is accessible to your audience and affordable for your pocket, so there’s really no losing here when done properly.

[Infographic] Combine Email and Social Media Strategies

[Infographic] Combine Email and Social Media Strategies

[Infographic] Combine Email and Social Media StrategiesMarketers make separate yet simultaneous campaigns for email and social media to cover all their bases. Why not combine both for a more effective and unified strategy? Here are a few ways to combine your email and social media strategies:

Link to your social media pages in your emails.

This will make it easy for your subscribers to connect with you. Use eye-catching social icons to make the invitation enticing.

Encourage newsletter subscriptions.

In your posts on social media, remind your followers to sign up for the email newsletter. Some people like longer content than social media offers, so target those folks.

Offer exclusive deals.

An email-only promo gives your followers a reason to subscribe to your mailing list. A social media-only promo provides the incentive for your subscribers to follow you on your social networks.

Big thanks to our friends at dotmailer.com for this helpful infographic.

[Infographic] Combine Email and Social Media Strategies


Instagram Facts You Should Know [Infographic]

Instagram Facts You Should Know

Instagram Facts You Should Know

Acquired by social media giant Facebook back in 2012, Instagram is a mobile photography app that changed the way people share photos on social media. As of January 2017, Instagram has 150 million daily active users.

Who is on Instagram?

Instagram has more women than men, which explains all the posts on fashion, design, and beauty. As many as 31% of female internet users are active on Instagram and 21% of male internet users. 32% of Instagram users attended college.

Where are they located?

More than half of American millennials are on Instagram. Around 55% of 18- to 29-year-olds in the U.S. are active users. Overall adult users in the U.S. have doubled since 2012. Nevertheless, Instagram is popular around the world 80% of its users live outside the U.S. Like its parent company Facebook, Instagram has a strong global audience.

Thanks to WebsiteBuilder.org for this great Instagram resource.

Instagram Facts You Should KnowInstagram Facts You Should KnowInstagram Facts You Should Know Instagram Facts You Should Know Instagram Facts You Should Know Instagram Facts You Should Know Instagram Facts You Should Know Instagram Facts You Should Know Instagram Facts You Should Know

How to Integrate Facebook Ads with Lead Capture


How-to-Integrate-Facebook-Ads-with-Lead-Capture-600x600-V2Landing pages don’t have a lot of content because they’re not meant to attract target audiences — they’re meant to convert them. You have to direct visitors to your landing page if you want to capture leads and make conversions. Waiting for the landing page to rank on search engines isn’t going to happen.

Turn to Facebook Ads

How will you direct visitors to your landing page? One of the most efficient is via Facebook Ads. With more than 1.86 billion monthly active users, Facebook is the world’s biggest social media platform. Facebook ads have the widest reach. Facebook lets you be creative with ads. Great copy makes an ad effective, but you can enhance it with visual content.

Maximize Facebook tools

Facebook offers tools which you can use to get very specific demographics and track conversions. You can find them in the Ad Manager section.
Then there’s the Facebook Pixel, a bit of code for your website that tracks and measures visitor actions. It helps you make the most of your pages and build audiences for different ad campaigns.
You can:

  • See how customers switch between devices before converting
  • Optimize ad delivery to people who are about to convert
  • Create custom audiences for every specific action
  • Find more people who are like your best customers
  • Produce timely ads based on the most popular products people on your site
  • Get insights on visitors

You can create a pixel in the Ads Manager under Tools > Create a Pixel > View Pixel Code. To install, copy and paste it into your site’s HTML.

Integrate Facebook Ads with Lead Capture

Given how powerful Facebook Ads are, it’s best to use them to attract and direct people not only your website and to individual landing pages. Make sure only your target audiences click on your ads because you can use Facebook’s granular settings for demographics.

But ultimately, it’s good Ad design that makes Facebook Ads attention-grabbing. For your next ad, incorporate the following:

  • Color psychology

    People associate different colors with different concepts. Make sure your color scheme is aligned with the branding and image you want your products or services to have. It should also evoke the response you want from your target audiences.

  • Faces

    Like attracts like, so it’s not surprising if people are drawn to faces in ads. In fact, people can see faces even in objects, a phenomenon that is known as pareidolia. Go with a close-up photo of a face with the eyes looking straight at the viewer. This kind of image elicits the strongest response.

When you produce compelling Facebook ads for your landing pages and leverage Facebook’s tools for your ad campaigns, you’ll capture more leads and create more conversions.