Tag Archives: digital marketing

The Business of Mother’s Day [Infographic]

[Infographic] The Business of Mother’s Day

[Infographic] The Business of Mother’s DayOn Mother’s Day, people are more than willing to spend on gifts to show their love not only for their own mothers, but also the other mothers they know like stepmoms, wives, sisters, aunts, etc.

Thus, businesses shouldn’t let Mother’s Day pass by without a plan. It’s not only a great day to honor mothers, but also a great day for boosting sales. The numbers already speak for themselves:

  • Spending for gifts peaked at $21.2B in 2015, a giant leap from $11.5B in 2005.
  • Online consumers spend an average of $225.87, and 1 in 3 of them use their smartphones to buy gifts.
  • As many as 30% of shoppers buy their gifts only a week before Mother’s Day.

With an effective digital marketing campaign and a convenient purchasing process, you can attract those last-minute shoppers who just want to buy gifts off the internet quickly and easily.

This awesome infographic comes from TheShelf.com. Thanks for all your hard work!

The Business of Mother’s Day
Courtesy of: The Shelf

The Why of your Video Marketing Strategy [Infographic]

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The Why of your Video Marketing Strategy-315Creating videos used to be expensive and time-consuming. But now, almost anyone with a high-end smartphone and basic know-how can shoot videos. If kids on YouTube can do it, so can you. But before you start, determine why you want to delve into video marketing7 Reasons7. Different purposes require different approaches. What will your video marketing strategy be? Different purposes require different approaches, such as:

Building brand trust

Explainer videos work best. Introduce your business, your team, and yourself to viewers. Add a legitimate customer testimonial for that trust factor.

Improving engagement

Fun content is what you need. For inspiration, think of Buzzfeed-type videos and all the other viral videos you’ve seen. Prominently share display buttons to make sharing easy for viewers.

Becoming an industry authority

Playing the long game gets you there. To become an authority, you need to regularly produce content over a period of time (maybe at least a year). Also, your content has to be consistently relevant and unique.




How to Use Facebook Live Video to Drive Leads to Your Website

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How to Use Facebook Live Video to Drive Leads to Your Website - 315Facebook wants you to take advantage of the benefits of making videos with Facebook Video. You have the choice of creating live videos or using pre-recorded videos.

Factors To Consider When Making a Video

Anyone can make a video. But, if you want a video that people want to watch, one that excites and interests your viewers, there are a few things you’ll want to consider.

Engaging Your Audience

If you get nervous in front of a camera, you might want to get someone to do your videos. Your audience should feel excited, enthralled and more importantly; engaged. The perfect video is polished, but it doesn’t sound like you’re reading from a script. Viewers want to see the real you, so a professional video isn’t necessary, but it does need to be practiced.

Educate Your Viewers

Whether it’s be written content or a video, your viewers come to you because they know you’re an expert. They trust you to give them help on the topics that interest them. It’s important to think of yourself as a wealth of information, not a salesperson. If you sound like an expert, someone that knows what they are talking about, people will trust you and keep coming back for more information.

Inspiration Is Key

You want to show passion, honesty, and sincerity in your videos. You need to be able to quickly solve their problem. Show why they need your product or service, and why and how it can make their lives easier, fun, happier, cost efficient, etc.

Entertain Your Audience

Life can be stressful, so take advantage of offering some light relief, even if for only a few minutes, while they watch your video. Creating a light and airy video will create a memorable experience in their minds, and they’ll want to watch your videos again and again in the future. Your video shouldn’t be all about your product or “making the sale” it has to be fun and interesting too.

Encourage Interaction

A video is just a video unless you include a call to action. Fun videos are great, but you’re not in this just for fun. You want to create leads and sales too. Every video should include a call to action in the video. Ask them to visit a website, or like on the video or make a comment.

Adjust Accordingly

Just like any other marketing campaign, it’s important to pay attention to your video’s analytics. Record the topic, the length of the video, when you posted it, etc. You need to know exactly what videos captured which leads, which videos drove people to your website (and which ones didn’t!). No one ever just posts a video, and that’s it. Videos, like other forms of marketing, need to be tested and info needs to be collected.

Facebook Feature Video

Facebook is coming out with another option called Feature Video. This will be placed in your About You section. The feature video is one of the most important videos you create. It allows visitors to see what they can expect from you.

The Different Types Of Facebook Video

Product Videos

Talk about your products and services, but don’t make the video too sales-y. Show what your product is and show how it can be used.

How To Videos

How to videos are always popular. These videos go step by step and show views how to do something specific. These will showcase your expertise and that in the future, they should consider you when they need help. 1 in 3 millennials purchased a product based on watching a how-to video. That’s a pretty powerful piece of information!

Product or Service Walk-through

Show off your products or services, but in a fun way. Choose one of the most common problems you hear from your customers and show how your product can solve their problem. Narrate the process in a clear and concise manner.

Answer Questions From Your Audience

I see businesses doing this all the time! This type of video gives your audience the ability to get to know you, or your product a little better. It’s a more casual and fun video. And you answer potential customers questions before they have them.

Testimonial Videos

You probably have written testimonials on your website already. But, creating video testimonial with your customers, is a good idea. Include customers that have purchased from you; their original problem and how your product helped solved their problem. Let customers leave testimonials about your customer service, how happy they were working with your business and a recommendation.

Traditional Commercial

A traditional commercial is what you usually see on TV. But, you can create one with Facebook Videos as well. Traditional commercials tend to be expensive, so if you can’t afford it, consider Facebook Video and YouTube as an alternative.

What Is The Difference Between Facebook Live and Pre-Recorded Videos

Facebook Live is taking off! It’s quickly becoming the most popular features on Facebook. With the Live option, if you make a mistake, you can’t go back and redo it. Practice what you want to say, but one of the nicest things about Live videos is that you can ad lib and connect freely with your audience.

With the pre-recorded option you record on your own time, edit it how you see fit and then post on Facebook. Pre-recorded videos are the safe bet, but they can be boring, disingenuous or lack charm. It may be a good idea to start with pre-recorded videos and once you’re comfortable in front of a camera, take the plunge and do the LIVE videos!

Whatever option you choose for your business, make sure that you create videos that your audience wants, needs and craves. Test your videos. This will give you a better idea of what your audience likes.

How to Use Periscope for Business [Infographic]

How to Use Periscope for Business [Infographic] -315

How to Use Periscope for Business [Infographic] -315The internet has proved revolutionary for helping businesses and savvy individuals connect with and expand their communities. It’s especially useful for providing different methods of connection—say, Twitter for those that like quick hits of information, for example. But video connections are creating some unusual and powerful ways for companies to communicate, and one of the newest ones is Periscope.

About Periscope

Periscope is actually owned by Twitter and offers a way to share live video streams. It’s so popular that it already has hundreds of thousands of hours of video shared—each day. And it’s like many other social media platforms in that it’s easy to create and share those videos—to build that community. People who like videos on Periscope can share, comment, and ask questions.

Have you integrated it into your social media platforms? If not, you might want to give it a try. This graphic demonstrates the steps you need to take, and the advantages, too.

Our thanks to SurePayroll for this informative infographic.

Peer into Periscope: How Periscope Can Help Your Business

[Infographic] Best Practices for Email Subject Lines

[Infographic] Best Practices for Email Subject Lines

[Infographic] Best Practices for Email Subject LinesYour email subject lines determine whether or not your message will be read.
To make sure it does get read, follow these tips when writing your subject:

Be concise

It should take only a quick glance for people to grasp your subject; otherwise, they might ignore your message. Also, a long subject doesn’t get fully displayed in the inbox list, so it fails to make an impact on first read.

Give details

It sounds contradictory, being specific while keeping it concise. But if the 140-word character limit of Twitter is any indication, you can find ways to be clear even with limited space.

Tailor it to fit

A personalized subject grabs people’s attention faster than a generic one, so start by using the recipient’s first name. You don’t have to do this manually; autoresponders and other email marketing tools can automatically pick out first names from subscriber lists.

Our hats off to MarketingCloud for this great infographic!

How to Write the Most Important 50 Characters of Your Email