Home / Help Desk / Changing Tab App Image 111 x 74
Changing Tab App Image 111 x 74


All Fan Page Admins with Timeline now have the opportunity to update your tab app large custom icon that shows beneath your Timeline cover.   It will display at 111 x 74 pixels.  This is available in the TabSite manager.  Simply click the pencil icon next to the tab logo in the "Tabs" area.

Those with our paid plans can also continue to customize the 16 x 16 small tab icon.

Update via the TabSite Manager:


On any tab as shown above, click the pencil icon and the select "Edit Tab Large 111 x 74 from the drop down menu that appears.  

This opens a box for you to select or upload and select a image. Save and you are done!




Here's how to change the large Tab Custom Image via the Facebook Page:

Go to your fan page and click on the arrow to open your tab navigation:  (Looks like you need at least 5 apps in order to get the "arrow" to open the app navigation pane to get the pencil icon to edit the large icon image. Whew! Or go to your fan page Admin, select Apps, find the App and select Edit Settings, then the image link to change.)



Next find the tab you want to change the large tab image (icon) on and hover your mouse over the top right of that current  image.  A pencil icon will appear.  Click this pencil as shown below.



From the dropdown menu, select "Edit Settings" near the bottom of the list.



This opens a box where you will select "Change" next to the Custom Tab Image.



This opens a new browser Window / Tab as shown below where you click "Change" and then "Browse" and upload.  Note: You can upload a JPG, GIF, or PNG file. If the image is larger than 111 x 74 pixels, it will be resized and converted,so we recommend you aim for exactly 111 x 74 pixels in size.



So, GET CREATIVE!  You'll need to drive traffic with a visual cue!


