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Transfer Account


There are two options for TabSite Plan Transfer.   You can transfer a Plan (Silver, Gold, etc.) from one fan page to another fan page or you can transfer ownership of a Plan for a Fan Page to another User who is Facebook Admin for that Page.


OPTION 1: Transfer your TabSite Plan from one fan page to another Fan Page within the TabSite Manager

Note: To transfer the destination Page must not have a paid plan already associated with it.

In the TabSite Manager, go to "Account Information"  and then select, "Account Transfer".  Follow the instructions there to select a the Page to Transfer from and the Page to Transfer to.





OPTION 2:  Transfer Ownership of a TabSite Plan for a Page to Another Facebook Admin of the Page

 The process is:

1. Owner wanting to transfer goes to Account Information in the TabSite manager and selects the Account Transfer tab. https://www.tabsite.com/account_info.php

2. Find the fan page from the drop down (if you have more than one TabSite account) and enter the e-mail address of the party to be transferred to.  (NOTE: e-mail address the user has listed with TabSite.  It is visible here: https://www.tabsite.com/account_info.php).  

3. This notifies the users via e-mail and in their TabSite manager of the request to transfer to them.  They then have a new tab under Account Information called, "Accounts Being Transferred to You" and a "Account Transfer Pending" note at the top of the manager page (see Account_Transfer.png image).

4. Party receiving transfer can accept.  This alerts the Owner and gives the owner the Facebook Profile information of the "Transferring To" party so current owner can verify this is indeed the profile they want to transfer ownership to. 

5. Owner accepts or cancels and party to be transferred to is alerted.