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Mail Chimp


For Mail Chimp, we strongly recommend using their "Naked" option.

To use the small form:

  1. Log in to MailChimp.
  2. Click on Lists.
  3. Click on View.
  4. Hover over For Your Website and click Signup Form Embed Code.
  5. Choose the Naked form styles:
    1. Naked Form
      1. Similar to the Classic Form, but with no CSS or Javascript, allowing greater control and flexibility.
    2. Click Options to customize your form.
      1. Options For The Naked Form
        • Check to show a title on your embed form, and specify the title.
        • Toggle between showing only required fields and showing all visible fields for your list.
        • Check to show groups on your embed form.
        • Check to choose whether to show an indicator for required fields.
        • Specify a width for your form; default will exapand to fit the area where the form code is place.


Here is a MailChimp help page with details on accessing the area to build a form using the Naked option.


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